this week we are looking at 2 different Christian mindsets, which - TopicsExpress


this week we are looking at 2 different Christian mindsets, which one you agree to, and why. Please lets all participate and learn from one another once again, thank you friends. WHICH OF THESE MINDSETS DO YOU BELONG? I THINK I AM RICH can be perceived or judged in two different ways and perspectives, depending on what kind of mind you have set for your lifes sail. MINDSET 1: If I say so, people will say I am proud and boastful, after all it is not true, who am I, what do I have, small money with alot of issues then I go around bragging that I am rich, its better I remain humble and not lie about my predicament, the fact is, I am not rich, no need deceiving people with a self-styled, cover-up, fake life, let me just be myself. This is why people dont like to help me, because they think I claim I am already self-sufficient and I make too much noise, so when I am broke and need help, nobody take me serious, they just gossip me and laugh at me. What is the essence of lieing and deceiving myself that Im rich when i really know I am poor? Didnt the bible say we should not lie and not be boastful? Thank you Lord for teaching me to be humble. I am satisfied with the little you have given me and I praise you for my life. The bible says better be with little and have peace than to have plenty with wars. I will not be greedy wanting more riches, afterall people in the bible like Solomon who were even rich ended up disobeying God and backsliding into idolatry. So I wont even try tempting myself that will make me fall, we all know that the love of money is the root of all evil. No wonder the rich man went to hell the the poor Lazarus made it to heaven. Heaven is all that matters, all this worlds riches will do us no good, Jesus said a mans worth does not consist in the abundance of the possessions he has. MINDSET 2: The bible says I will become what I think, if I think I am poor, then I become it, but even if I am currently poor and I starting thinking I am rich, my thoughts of riches will eventually correct my poor state, because my body is only an instrument that obeys my thoughts and words. So then, if I say so, I send a command to my brain and entire system through positive, faith-filled confessions to begin to emit new signals and frequencies of riches into the Universe. I AM is a powerful statement, as I have said I THINK I AM RICH, the great I AM put into action the next word, Rich, and He begins to channel to me resources, circumstances, people and opportunities that are consistent with what I have spoken, because he has said whatever I say shall come to pass. So when I say it, I will not consider how people understand me, what they think I meant, or how weird and distasteful they felt about it, I will solely be concerned about how God understood it, what his word says about what I have said, whether it is spiritually legitimate to talk that way, and what are the consequences of such words. And when my rich words finally become flesh and the riches begin to manifest to eradicate my poverty state, Ill be generous, i will not be selfish to keep all to myself, I will help humanity, pay school fees for the needy, propagate and sponsor big time crusades for Jesus, I want to lay up treasure in Heaven and I am determined to do that by continuing to do good rich my riches and expand help to the nations of the world, win souls by sponsoring great christian revivals, but i will never for once say I am poor or average just to make people feel I am humble or modest. If I really want to BE MYSELF, then I must say I am rich because the TRUE ME is rich and I won be apologetic about this - I am Abrahams seed, I will not be myself if I said I am poor, that is not myself. I will also not be afraid of riches afterall we all know that Abraham and David were all rich and still pleased God till they made Heaven. Hmmmmm...Please, which of these Mindsets do you have, or let us say which of them do you agree with, and why? Give Reasons. The Big Breezy cole
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 21:29:41 +0000

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