this will be my last report from victoria falls. mark and i - TopicsExpress


this will be my last report from victoria falls. mark and i walked back into zambia yesterday to see livingstone. what we saw was much like it is here from a volunteer prospective we didnt really see the tourism side of it. one little boy had no shoes, one tan sock and one green sock with no toes in it. they children either had to bring water with them or they did without and in this heat, doing without isnt a good thought. saw one albino child there and he seemed kinda off by himself but i didnt get a chance to ask if he was treated well by the other children. mark definitely plans to change the world around rim, he has really been inspired by all of this. today was the last day at school. i have been tryng to work with one beautiful little girl who is so slow, no matter what yu try to do, how you try to explain, she doesn t get it. i had to stop helping her and just started crying and leave her for a minute so i could help her again. chances are she will never get any further because noone will be able to help her catch up, she will just keep going through the grades and never get to where she should be. the struggles are so great for children here, so great. i should be in a cooler climate this time tomorrow and with no misquitos!! i dont look forward to leaving some of the people i have met here but i will not miss the missies and the heat. hopeully i will be able to download some of my pictures since i have to stay overnight in joburg and then i will arrive in sunday to start that program. i am so glad i got to see the falls here, karen and i had planned to see them years ago. karen, you must make richard bring yu here, but not in sept-nov. okay, i am being swarmed by misquitos and the internet is flashing so that is my sign to leave. i hope all is well with everyon, i will write again when i can.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 19:06:39 +0000

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