#timeforrealwork, indeed; this is the real work, this is the - TopicsExpress


#timeforrealwork, indeed; this is the real work, this is the change we need. Remember God is not democratic, i pray for USA and for us all to style up. A UNIOCRACY FORUM: Offering Freedom to Democracy Hostages. Is a Political Organization which advocates for Unions’ rule. We advocate for a separate workers’ Parliament. Another parliament of technocrats and professionals| This “Uniocracy” thinking is based on the reality that “popular democracy” -as practiced- in the world over; is very shallow to deal with the current challenges arising by technological progress- like the Arab uprising. We prefer that Uniocracy; which is the rule by trade unions’ representatives, should be adopted for effective representation and to deal with the things challenging popular democracy. Technology is leading the world but politics is standing in the way of progress: -due to the failure of politicians to come up with a new political system- which is compatible to technological advancements in this scientific- social- spiritual and political economy. This is the change we need. Listen||| People need to know that we are living in a scientifically social- spiritual and political economy; with technology leading the way, -but our political systems have not been changed to adapt to the current technical challenges. Therefore; democracy is, lagging- leading from behind, still locked up in the democratic times of Abraham Lincoln. Whenever people are asked to define democracy, they first tell of the same stories of a government of the people for the people by the people. Then they go ahead to add some other stuff like; the rule of law, free and fair elections, respect for minority opinions, human rights, due process of law and equality before the law- with each deserving a fair hearing during trial. These added details however; of which do not actually define democracy, -but as pillars of a fair judicial process for justice, just complicate democracy. Can democracy be judicial enough to deliver justice? We say no, it has many technical loopholes that cover injustice. These loopholes are inadvertently exploited by individuals who take advantage of this shallow democracy, and the ignorance of the masses about this shallowness, to their private benefit. The democracy hostages (masses) are left to be exploited by the few who manage to maneuver through the loopholes of democracy, for selfish ends. African war lords & presidents succeed to play democracy cards- to fight justice. Terrorists beat Americans at their own game, whenever you tell them to vote, they vote “wisely”. Now leaders everywhere, -are held hostage by the Syrian crisis, from Obama to the rest; this is the change we need. Also- friends; democracy has become a commodity- too cheap for the rich to buy: yet too expensive for the poor to have. Hence; entry into the house of legislation- defines the line between the rich and the rest. Then the circle continues, with the poor into more injustice/poverty and the rich into more justice/riches. There is good evidence that rich people support democracy for a cover. Even it is not news: to hear everyone trying to stand for a political position, because politics has become “work” and, a very profitable “business”. Doctors, teachers and other professionals- leave no opportunity -of challenging for any post. But politics’- neither creates value added, nor is it one of the factors of production? Work in all sectors is degenerating’ because the best brains are out there- still debating and acting out democracy. The best brains should stay in research centers and theaters, not in the House of Commons. But, if democracy is not placing food on the table for these workers, then why stage elections under a system –which is chasing people away from their professional work? Have you not heard? The recent challenges in the USA, the world’s number one democracy, were a challenge to the system. In the sense that; all the technical people, very well, knowing what to do, could not act- because democracy stood in their way. Whether about the Syrian conflict, -where children were suffocated to death and democracy could not see chemical evidence, or about closing government departments, or raising the debt Ceil, the Fiscal Clift, the sequester, credit crunch and bailout plan; these challenges were the last stroke that broke the back of democracy- as an effective system of governing- a technology driven globe. Americans may still bury their heads in the sand and advocate for democracy, but playing the ostrich will not change anything. Democracy has refused to adapt. For example, tribalism and religion will never be separated from popular democracy. If these old enemies of democracy- cannot be fought off by the system, then- how will democracy fight the evil -cyber crimes- which come with this rapidly advancing technology? The easiest way of catching up with technology as it leads the world in both development and moral degeneration, -is to recognize the people who work for technology to work. The people who make for technology to make: These are the technical people. These people are the ones who know what technology is about to do. Whether it is good or evil: these should not just be silenced. These people embrace and use technology in their work. These people are the workers. They are not hooligans. They have organizations called Unions, through which they can be controlled to benefit the rest. As long as unions of workers are not recognized and given due representation in the political process; more and more serious cyber crimes, strikes and demonstrations- will rock the world. No matter who becomes the next president of any where? Youth unemployment is not the problem; the problem is -lacking a sense of belonging. Creating a lost generation of youths: Disenfranchisement of youths causes them to riot, terrorize and destroy with no fear of God: They do not feel party to what they destroy. Period|| This is briefly why we advocate for “another parliament” of Unions’ representatives, not just for better working conditions and a higher wage for workers, -but to constantly come up with solutions and answers to the world’s challenges. Unions create a sense of belonging, information and a fountain of new knowledge which can be used to develop this world and to fight cyber crime, if recognized and appreciated by the political system. On the contrary; governments are trying to break up unions and to use coercion instead of information’ to address riots, strikes and demonstrations of workers. Let all presidents know that, forcing unions into silence will neither be a platform for correction nor will it boost the existing parliament. Our -democracy born-parliament is in crisis even now, -when it’s at its best, imagine? Parliament can never balance information and coercive tools using democracy. There is a clear difference between a legislator and a regulator. The legislator makes laws while the regulator monitors work to make sure- there are no excesses. The riots arise from the vacuum in legislation, mostly, forcing regulators to exert more power and to take on- both legislative and coercive tools, these instruments mistreat implementers (workers): making- them to appear like the enemies of the state. Constant dialog in an elected parliament of regulators- however, will stop workers’ strikes. Even without solving all their problems. Governments should not wait for riots, to hold crisis talks with workers’ representatives. Workers should be accepted as a part- of government. They are that technical part; which holds: uses and controls technology, in their hands. Workers are not there to ask for higher pays, but to face the music together with management, and to come up with solutions. Without unions, this advancing technology is a curse to the world; as each technologist will do’ what they can do, to exploit democracy and the majority of the system’s hostages will be hurt severely. Lastly, you should know that; when a voter can never do anything shortly- after an election, the person elected- grows bigger than the institution they serve. Such a democracy is called a Unocracy, - because it decays. This Unocracy is the state of democracy decayed, which is- what we now have. We Uniocrats, advocate for Uniocracy- not Unocracy. I hope you have got the difference? Uniocracy comes from the words “Unions-rule”. However, Unocracy is a state of democracy decayed. Thank you; compiled by Dr. Eastman Simba Elisha +211955313124. +256788675550. Uniocracy@gmail OBJECTIVES OF A UNIOCRACY FORUM To change the motto to “God above Alone” instead of “For God and My Country” To form another parliament for technocrats and professionals- for effective representation To strengthen institutions by electing representatives from among the workers themselves To create more jobs and job security, by disciplined union labor- proud to belong. To make corruption risky and moral degeneration regrettable- among public officials. Improve on accountability and monitoring of funds, personnel and contracts signed. Pursue human resource development and improved productivity in institutional diversity Promote social stability and security through politically- responsible regulators. Encourage cross boarder political scientific social economic and technical collaboration. Establish a constantly harmonious- channel of communication with Governments. Stimulate competitive research in Agriculture, Education and Health. Pursue Equitable distribution of resources and government provision of sports infrastructures ORGANIZATION SYMBOL This political Organization will be registered in Uganda next year- using the symbol of A SPOON. “A KAGIKO”. Signifying equitable distribution of resources| Even if someone is a thief, when given a small spoon, one may not eat too much. A spoon can be used by children, the sick- to take food and medicine. It serves equally. Is there a party using this symbol? Please send your comments on these and other issues to. Uniocracy@gmail Thank you; INFORMATION STRATEGY This political organization is adopting to use music, drama and literature- information dissemination strategy, to reach out to the masses, even before the elections. Music is a very strong information tool and medium of communication. Music will help to generate an informed public opinion about Uniocracy. Explaining the benefits of workers’ associations, etc Many people get bored to read literature -published in books but can listen and learn from songs which will be designed by the party members. These songs will be translated in various languages at a price. More information is to be published in a book called “Another Parliament”, before Standing for president -come 2016, on A Uniocracy forum ticket. FUNDRAISING STRATEGIES Membership subscriptions, talk shows, donations from the local and from the international community. Contact: Uniocracy@gmail +211955313124. Our God is above the change we need. Bye
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 08:04:25 +0000

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