“THE DAILY - TopicsExpress

   “THE DAILY DEATH BUGLE” 14th EDT – Bullying / Child Abuse / Domestic Violence “THE DAILY DEATH BUGLE” Editor Tom Thumb “READ ALL ABOUT! GET YOUR DAILY DEATH BUGLE,” the paper boy did shout.”TOM THUMB CONTINUES FIGHT AGAINST OWN INJUSTICES BUT STRUGGLING TO GET THROUGH THE DAY! READ ALL ABOUT IT! GET YOUR DAILY DEATH BUGLE! READ ALL ABOUT IT! GOVERNMENT ORGANISATIONS STILL REFUSING TO AKNOWLEDGE DISABILITY! WILL THERE EVER BE A SILVER LINING TO ALL THE CORRUPTION? READ ALL ABOUT IT! GET YOUR DAILY DEATH BUGLE! READ ALL ABOUT IT!” Its been nearly 2 months since my last update of what has been happening in the world of tom thumb. Since then I concentrated on helping others to take my mind off everything that has been happening in my life. by doing this it has allowed me to escape reality a little but the issue that plague me always linger at the back of my mind. Like always just when I think things are going to get better, I am back to square one and where this all started all those months ago. Since my last update a few things have changed but my situation as a whole still remains very much the same. In more recent weeks my forced medication has finally been altered. The injections that I have fought against for the past couple of months have ended and I have now been allowed to take the tablet form which I have mentioned in previous posts.So no more injections for the time being. The medication I am now being forced to take is Olanzapine. Although this more easier to administer I still am suffering with the same side effects. Also as I have stated many times before feel that the forced medication offer no beneficial value as the damage is already done. If there was a tablet or medicine that could rewrite the past 42 years it would be a miracle. I except because of my mental condition I need help with medication feel Olanzapine is still the wrong kind of medication, I also have a community treatment order in place. A community treatment order is where the mental health monitor patients in the community and make sure that they are ok and able to afford the essentials and are coping with day to day life .The Mental health outreach team visit every Tuesday. I now feel ok about outreach team coming as they help fill out forms and help with my finances and trying to sort out my benefits which I am and have always been entitled to. do finally work with me rather then against me. My community treatment order is due for review over the next couple of days to see whether it continues. I also get a visit from two psychologists who work for the mental health,I feel this appointment with psychologists a waste of time as like I said the damage has already been done from my treatment by social services as a child. I feel the DHSS is bullying and abusing me as under English law,and European law by refusing to still recognize my disability even though the doctors and mental health services do. I seem to be stuck in a catch 22 situation where it seems like I always lose. I hope the DHSS abide by the law and declare me the mentally damaged rather than the continued persecution against me for speaking out about the events that have happened in my life. the psychologists are also part of the community treatment order they are supposed to change the way I,am thinking which is a bit of a joke,. Like the tablet they think will take all the pain and scars away, my memories and nightmares are with me for life and no matter how much talking they will always haunt me and affect my day to day life. Over the past few weeks I have found day to day life a real struggle and have contemplated suicide on numerous occasions. I had even tried not eating and excessive drinking in the hope it would aggravate my underlying medical conditions and I would pass into the night . I have suffered with depression for most of my life but at the moment feel like I have hit a all time low. .I have always hoped for a brighter tomorrow and an end to all the corruption and abuse that has plagued me but it seems to be never ending. I lay blame for my mental and physical scars on the lifetime of injustices by the police services whom destroyed my family as well as my life, the DHSS for refusing to accept my disability,persecuting me and breeching my civil and human rights,the Social Services for my childhood of bullying, abuse and corruptions whilst under their protection and also throughout later life and the sections of the Mental Health services for the forced medications, false hope and broken promises. I still believe that the organizations will be ultimately responsible fro the fall of me!!! Tom Thumb #bullying #abuse #corruption #injustice #justice #corruption #forcedmedication #police #health #mentalhealth #socialservices psychologist #tomthumb #struggle #disability #government #mental #physical #Olanzapine #scunthorpe #Lincolnshire #northlincolnshire #community #treatment #daily #death #bugle #tgif #civilliberties #humanrights #doctors #children #family #medical #scars #haveyoursay #makechange
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 19:16:59 +0000

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