totally in my opinion . . . Mr. B. Obama, your quote, - TopicsExpress


totally in my opinion . . . Mr. B. Obama, your quote, “if I were in your place, I would be upset too!” WELL, you will never understand, just that statement alone says it clearly! The BANDAID you want to put on this train wreck only places more insult to the injury your Obama Care has already committed to our working health plans our parents fought for to assure our generation would never have to suffer for or from health coverage ever again. YOUR plan has devastated literally Millions of American Citizens! One does not have to be seeking your train wreck to not feel the full effects of it! For one(1), We the middle class have lost equally at the same troth you have thrown the rest of our country at, to consume a backslide in health care our forefathers fought for, and sacrificed wage increases to receive outstanding health coverage for their families and loved ones, for generations to follow. Now we are all, middle class included, being torn from working health coverage to unimaginable extraordinary and devastating costs that are not and will not ever be affordable unless you quadruple minimum wages to $35 plus dollars per every hour worked and on a minimum forty hour work week! Yes, Mr. Obama, I have done the math. AND most all American Citizens I know in our income bracket, like us, are living paycheck to paycheck. You and your family on the other hand go on fancy extraordinary vacations unknown to the Middle class or the poor, homeless, single parent families or plain single wage earners. And whoever wrote your speech, you are spilling upon the American people today, has been very well paid, to write, another broken promise. The simple fact that you threaten to use the IRS to fine us “IF” we do not choose your train wreck health care, is insane, to say the least. Just to make it clear to you, and just in case your EXCUSE again is “I WAS UNAWARE” as you have stated profoundly in so many major Issues, of which the world has noted, OUR CONSTITUTION, CAN NOT, BE ALTERED BY YOU! Our rights have been intentionally violated due to this Obama health reform you or your private group have devastated our ability or that of our posterity to ever repay. We are a government and a nation of, by, and for the people. YOU, Mr. Obama need to retreat and scrap this mess you have made of our health care. The same applies to the Food Stamp giveaway you induced as well. In Oregon the healthy class which this applies to that you want to feed at the trough you freely placed gives the wrong message to our younger Americans. We have taught our young that nothing is free. Yet you give away the store and tie it into the cheap food bait, from which a deduction of approximately $15 off the original $200 FS per month was placed automatically and linked to the health coverage, also free to them. You Boast, The Healthy 18-26 they can use their parent’s health coverage! The same Young healthy Americans (as you put it, Mr. Obama) you now profess are needed to join up so this wrecked train will work, (another Band-Aid fix) and if they do not? THE IRS WILL be after each and every one and the sun will never set on this mess your personal health plan has made for all to suffer by!!! Personally, and not just my opinion but an opinion of millions, stated again and again, it is YOUR responsibility to run the country and know every corner on the map of our country, America! Instead you continue to present devastating promises but no HOPE, NONE! I have heard nothing but cheap talk ever since you were elected in the first place and believe me you can fool a few of this nation but not all the people, because my generation watched and took note for the last 60 years, and I can honestly say “WE,” the now senior citizens of America, have NEVER, EVER, WITNESSED such a “HYPOCRACY” by a supposed commander in chief, as YOU, Mr. Obama have bestowed upon the greatest devastated mass of Americans in the History of our country, The United States of America! Mr. Obama, the only fix for this dysfunctional plan of yours, is to first SCRAP OBAMACARE, burn the hundreds of pages OF YOUR TRAINWRECK HEALTHCARE plan, we do not need you to spend one more dime to bandage this mess you have made, AND realize the majority of Americans HAVE lost faith in YOU . Now it is in the United States best interest for recovery that you, Mr. Obama “RELINQUISH” THE OFFICE OF COMMANDER IN CHIEF!” Retire NOW! America needs to recover from the devastation you created! Good bye Mr. Obama, and remember to BURN that OBAMACARE SCRIPT! Its bias is not of this world! Bye, Bye, NOW!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 20:41:34 +0000

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