°v°Aries 2014 This would be a wonderful year for you in that - TopicsExpress


°v°Aries 2014 This would be a wonderful year for you in that you would be able to complete all tasks that have been pending for long. Much amount of flexibility would be available for you to show your competence to the world around. This year also promotes high energy activities in your life as going on an adventurous trip & the like. However certain constraints cannot be ruled out now & then. Your decisions towards home & its affairs would be taken by all without much hype & any further appeal. Make sure that you remain steady & sturdy with your ambitions. Make no room for any complacency & indecisions. The planetary positions for this year shall help you to target your aims in life. A good amount of tact and diplomacy would be needed when relationships are concerned. Your creativity shall come to the fore. But make sure that you stick to your works & let no level of impatience discourage you. You would be able to reap the fruits of your creative ventures around the end of the year. Career Your career shall take a new turn in your life. Your pace in the professional arena shall slow down a little bit but do not lose hope. You need to stay alive & resume with your hard working instincts. Repetitive tasks shall bother you but there is no other go. Delve into the minute details of any projects that you handle during this year. You shall have the opportunity to learn new techniques & ideas during the course of your career. You would be able to gain the confidence of your superiors & authorities in the work field. The first half of the year would be uneventful. But the later half shall keep you embroiled in sorts of works that give you the time to enjoy & relax with life. Love New relationships & attractions shall come your way during the year. You shall get to meet new acquaintances & new people in your life. This shall help you to explore new avenues in the field of love & romance. Your assets shall increase as far as relationships are concerned. You would be able to ward off routine activities you normally have with your partner & would be able to bring about a mammoth change in this sphere of activity. When it comes to rifts & misunderstandings in life, be open to dialogues as it would be able to help mend fences. This year you would be able to see relationships in a new light. Do not take hasty judgments with your partner. Those staying single shall get the opportunity to meet the man/woman of their life. Finance Your finances shall have major changes & fluctuations during the course of year 2014. However you would not be able to control your expenditure which in turn is likely to burn a hole in your wallet. Curb your expenses to a bare minimum for this period. Be cautious when lending out money as you might land in trouble. Make sure you have ample funds @ hand before venturing out into savings. Stay away from major high-value purchases for this year. The end of the year is likely to fund some good purchases in the real estate field. Make sure that you settle all loans & debts before the year comes to an end. Health Shall see you in good health, cheer & loads of high voltage energy. The first half of the year shall bless you with good health though the next half might bring in occasional minor ailments. Start new fitness regimes during this year. Now is also the time to ward off bad habits like smoking, drinking & depending too much on fast foods. Your metabolic rate would be balanced but do not be too nervous to arrive @ certain health targets. Perfection is not your keyword and hence be sure to accept a nominal change in your health area.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 01:12:55 +0000

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