vimeo/113727918 Last night, hundreds of you poured out of the - TopicsExpress


vimeo/113727918 Last night, hundreds of you poured out of the Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer Risk Taker Awards and marched together to Broadway and 96th street -- outraged over the lack of accountability for the killing and discriminatory targeting of people of color by the police. You brought spirit, love, and commitment into the streets, filling New York’s Upper West Side with the sounds of grief and rage; the Mourners Kaddish, chants of #BlackLivesMatter, and a demand for an end to the racist foundations of our country’s policing. 27 of us were arrested in the protest. The good news is that all of our members are safe, thanks to the incredible care provided by JFREJ members to all the activists arrested in last night’s city-wide protests. Meanwhile, the protest and arrests were covered in Haaretz, JTA, Waging NonViolence, the Times of Israel, Westside Rag, The Forward, and The Guardian. But this is not the real story. We know that our brief experience of arrest and imprisonment was the exception and not the rule. For most people caught up in our criminal justice system, the consequences are devastating. This is the truth our country is finally waking up to this week. We are part of a movement that is starting to effectively coordinate across the country and the world, connecting the struggles for racial justice and economic justice in extraordinary ways. Our action was part of the larger #ThisStopsToday mobilization, led by communities of color on the front lines, doing deeply transformative organizing in their communities that form the foundation of the raging movement to end police brutality. This is a movement moment, and we need you with us. Our Campaign for Police Accountability will continue to fight for full accountability for all officers responsible for Eric Garner’s death, and all police who brutalize and abuse their power in our communities; an end to NYPDs discriminatory broken windows policing; a fair and thorough Department of Justice investigation into the use of force policies and practices of the NYPD and full investigation into the killing of Eric Garner; and passage of the Right to Know Act, common-sense City Council legislation to improve daily interactions between the NYPD and New Yorkers. Please email JFREJ organizer Amanda to get involved in these upcoming actions. Last night, we honored the legacy of Rabbi Marshall Meyer, and his faith in our ability, and responsibility, to transform society. We honored three incredible risk takers, and will be sharing an update and photos early next week. All around us, our communities are erupting with resistance, outrage, and love. Lets hold each other close and rise up. Onward, Marjorie Executive Director Jews for Racial & Economic Justice
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 05:27:34 +0000

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