warna dan personality Purple: :: aura of mystery and intrigue. - TopicsExpress


warna dan personality Purple: :: aura of mystery and intrigue. :: enigmatic and highly creative, with a quick perception of spiritual ideas. :: often preferred by artists. :: generous and, at times, charming. :: wit, keen observation, super sensitivity, vanity and moodiness. :: often have conflicting traits. :: easy to live with but hard to know. :: secretive, so that even when you seem to confide freely, your closest friends never completely understand you. PINK : :: it tempers passion with purity. ::associated with romance, sweetness, delicacy, refinement and tenderness. :: are interested in the world around them, but they do not throw themselves into participating with the ardor of the red person. :: Violence in any form is upsetting to you. :: talented and have subdued drive, charm and warmth, and are probably an incurable romantic. :: friendly but tend to keep inner feelings hidden. RED : :: like to stay on top of things. You have a zest for life. :: winner, achiever, intense, impulsive, active, competitive, daring, aggressive and passionate. :: exciting, animated, optimistic, emotional and extroverted. :: desire is the key word, hunger for fullness of experience and living. Now that you have all the good news, lets hear it for the bad news. :: routine can drive you nuts. :: Restlessness can make you fickle in your pursuit of new things to turn you on. :: hard for you to be objective and you can be opinionated. :: have a tendency to listen to what others tell you and then do whatever you please. :: Patience is not one of your virtues. :: exciting person to be with, and always stimulating. :: The world would be a dull place without you. BLUE : :: color of tranquillity and peace, blue tends to be the most preferred color universally. :: cool and confident (or wishing to be), blues can be vulnerable. :: trusting and need to be trusted. sensitive to the needs of others and form strong attachments, and are deeply hurt if your trust has been betrayed. :: Blue people aspire to harmony, serenity, patience, perseverance and peace. :: somewhat social but prefer sticking to your own close circle of friends. :: You think twice before speaking or acting out. :: You are generally conservative, even tempered and reliable. :: Because of the highly developed sense of responsibility of the blue personality, you must be careful of perfectionist tendencies that may make you unrealistically demanding. :: Your gentleness, however, will win out. YELLOW : :: sparkles with optimistic activity. :: highly original, imaginative, idealistic, creative, artistic and often spiritual. :: love novelty and challenge and have an inquiring mind. :: reliable friend and confidant. :: your ambitions are often realized, and you usually have a sunny disposition. :: often egotistical, however, and do not like to be second best. :: can be generous, but may be rather shy at heart and appear somewhat aloof as a result. :: may be impatient with other peoples ideas if they seem less well thought out than yours. :: are genuinely concerned about the good of society, but generally spend more time talking about it than actually doing anything about it! :: perfectionists, but can also be joyful. p/s: some of popular colour
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 07:37:21 +0000

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