**** warning a graphic read **** My book, an insert... As we - TopicsExpress


**** warning a graphic read **** My book, an insert... As we left our holiday camp suitcases in the boot everyone was in a fairly good mood, nanny had given us hated children a bag of sweets each mum was in a good mood because she allowed us to keep the sweets..we clutched our bag of sweets as we stood waiting for instructions as to which car we would be getting into. it was decided I would go with Judith, Charlotte and Caleb. Judith, Charlotte and Caleb were the chosen ones spoilt, could do no wrong, if they did do wrong it was our fault. Caleb would and break things and think it was funny, when broke something from throwing it mum would go mad at me ( I was Calebs slave) she would scream at me that I was autistic and I should of caught the item before it broke rather than telling Caleb off in the first place for throwing it. Sadly the more we were blamed the naughtier Caleb would get knowing full well he wouldnt be in trouble and found it amusing we would get the blame. Nan and grandad and my other foster brothers and sister went in mums car. As we got into the car and put our seat belts on, I said to Juith timidly wheres Calebs baby seat? ( he was 7 at the time but quite a small 7yr old) Judith shouted over to mum for his seat and she gave it to me as normal to sort Caleb out, the 4 straps were all tangled up, Judith didnt wait, she started to drive off whilst I was trying was desperately trying to untangle the straps, I knew if I took long I would piss her of and it would only be a matter of minutes before she would start shouting abuse at me. Before getting on the motorway Judith stopped of to have one last look at the sea and to go to the loo, Charlotte and myself said no we didnt need the loo so Judith just took Caleb. Charlotte played on her phone and then put a tape on to play, I was still untangling the straps of the car seat. When they came back Judith carried on driving, as we were coming down the slip road onto the m5 I was literally clicking my brother into his car seat. The motorway was slow, a standstill, we months later learnt it was down to a not so serious accident further up. We were slowly driving along we had a red car in front of us and a lidils lorry in front of that, all of a sudden I experienced the loudest of bangs, screeching, I felt my body rip, burn, hurt, bleed. Judith and Charlotte were both sat in the front the sheer force of the bang made both there seats snap straight flat back. Judiths headrest went under my Knees and shunted my up breaking my bones from the Knees up. My seat belt was the the only thing from preventing me from flailing on Judiths mangled dying body. Caleb was behind Charlotte her headrest went into his knees and broke both his legs before it could beak anything else the belt that strapped his baby seat in snapped and he was found in his car seat by Charlottes legs. He was very lucky compared to us 3 the babyseat was like a shell that protected the rest of his body. After the initial bang I became unconscious, I woke up minutes later with a man clasping my hand very tightly, begging me to keep really still and that I was being such a brave girl, he kept saying to me over and over, please stay awake sweetie you need to stay awake, he told me to hold his hand tightly and he promised me he was going to stay there and he wouldnt leave me. As I came to I saw to bodies laying beneath me, the cushion of charlottes headrest had come off leaving a sharp piece of mental behind, that piece of metal de-capitated her head of which was to the left of me. Judith had had a navy jumper and leggings on but she was now red saturated in blood, her dark hair matted away with blues flakes of car paint and glass, mangled minced flesh, her eyes, ears nose and mouth had blood pouring out of them, her hands were shredded, bones were sticking out of the thighs and feet were taken clean of in her shoes. Her eyes bulged out her head....as that stranger who was braver than braver held my hand, I watched Judith breath for the last time. I was struggling breathe, each breathe was painful, labored and tight, the smell of petrol was toxic everytime I took tiny breathes the insides of my nose burnt from the strength of the petrol as I woke the more I started to hysterically scream first to Judith and then Charlotte, The more I screamed and no answer came I became more and more distressed and hysterical. The man with the big hands held my little female hand tight, he begged me to stay still and that help was on its way.... The girls were dead with blood just pouring from there bodies onto the roadside I was to bleeding from multiple internal injuries, my right leg was half severed right around my knee cap and my left thigh was snapped and bleeding. When my sisters didnt responded I screamed to Caleb after a few attempts I heard the most terrifying blood curdling scream back. I told him I was coming and I was going to help him, I started to try and move as I did so blood started gushing down my nose and into my mouth I was struggling to breathe I had cracked a All my ribs, punctured my lungs and was coughing and spluttering from the blood gushing from my nose. The more I tried to get to Caleb the pain I was in my right legs was badly trapped and bleeding. Then I heard a sweet ladies voice, a lovely lady got out of got out of her car she held my brothers hand talked to us both and kept telling us we were going to be fine and they wouldnt leave us. The man to right of me asked me my name asked how old I was and told me I was the bravest girl hed ever met. I was tired, couldnt breathe and wanted to just close eyes to sleep, I was dying, I was bleeding to death barely able to breath and so desperately wanted to sleep. All of a sirens of the ambulances, fire engines, and police were heard, helicopters blades we heard as they landed, I couldnt lift my head or move my neck to see what was going on I was staring at two dead bodies, everytime my eyes started to close the chap begged me to stay with him and stay awake. I just wanted to stop seeing what I could see. Eventually Rob Lorenzo my paramedic came and gave me an oxygen mask, he started to cut my right sleeve to give me a dose of ketamine in preparation to un trap my body. Caleb was taken away immediately because he wasnt trapped and he was air lifted straight to frenchay hospital. He broke both legs but the car seat saved his life and in the grand scheme of things was a very lucky boy. It took firefighters 54 minutes to untrap my body from the wreckage. After a major trauma they call it the golden hour in which if your not treated within one hour of the trauma you are likely to die. It was discussed at one point whether it would be better to just remove my trapped leg at the roadside if it meant getting me into hospital quicker, after accidents the dead are left and anybody who survives are obviously urgently released from the wreckage. A crime has been committed and its essentially a crime scene so the dead are left at the wreckage for the crime scene investigates to see, the paramedics put green blankets on the girls faces to prevent me from seeing it anymore, that was the the very last i was ever going to see them both again. After 54 minutes I was cut free the shard of metal embedded into my leg was cut round it and left in if they pulled it out I would have just bleed to death. I was eventually carefully free and carried onto a board laying on the motorway floor. The man whod stayed with me making me fight for my life held my hand and kissed my other hand and my rubbed my cheek with his finger and told me I needed to be a really brave girl and get into the helicopter with the paramedics. You hear the upset and in his voice as they loaded me into the helicopter he repeated to me i was going to be fine and i was going to get better, if had of died on the roadside or the way to the hospital Id of died feeling someone cared for me. This man, the lady and Rob the paramedic will always be my brave heroes, to walk into a gruesome wreckage like that from theyre own free will is beyond extraordinary bravery. I could have died in that crash but I wouldnt of died so alone and as scared because he was holding my hand so very tightly. I would have passed away with my hand held tightly being told somebody cared. I was airlifted to frenchay, I had two broken legs, arms, shoulders, my neck, pelvis, hips and the small of my back was broken, my toes were crushed, a had a major head injury, my lungs were punctured ribs smashed, my internal organs we ripped and punctured, my right leg was severed and was missing a knee cap and kidney had collapsed my bladder and intestines ripped......this was going to be one hell of fight to stay alive.......
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 14:53:03 +0000

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