well folks I went to see the lighting of the fire tonight at the - TopicsExpress


well folks I went to see the lighting of the fire tonight at the SYDNEY CORROBOREE , it was actually gated off during the lighting of the sacred fire, I also seen something that was very disturbing .... one of our beloved artist/very famous well known photographers was denied access even though she had a MEDIA BADGE, Barbara McGrady was blantantly disrespected pushed to the side by a blonde staff member and told she was not allowed to enter and what really took the cake after being treated so badly and rudely ..... they ACTUALLY TOOK HER MEDIA BADGE OFF OF HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHAME SYDNEY, HOW DARE YOU DOSRESPECT ONE OF OUR MOST BEAUTIFUL CULTURAL WOMEN AND ONE OF THE MOST RESPECTED !!!!! I WAS ENRAGED AND IN DISBELIEF OF THIS WHITE WOMANS ATTITUDE AND ARROGANCE TO TREAT BARBARA THIS WAY, THERE SHOULD BE HEAPS OF COMPLAINTS TO GO IN OVER THIS, IT WAS REPRESSION AND DENIAL TO ALLOW A SISTA TO DO HER WORK ON SUCH A SPECIAL CULTURAL EVENT, me and Barbara just looked at each other and I told the other woman you got to be kidding????? and I asked her do you know who Barbara is??? she just looked at me and said again she was not allowed to enter ...... there were many others there with the same media badges on also but no one said anything to them, I feel this was just not right, I could only imagine how embarrassed and upset Barbara would have felt, people seem to get on a power trip these days with no concern for others when they get a job place in large scale events, they have no common courtesy or manners to the general public, but to a well known cultural photographer that is even internationally known is ridiculous ....... I wish I knew who to complain to I would definitely let them know how I felt about it. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr there is a lot of stupid people in this world these days with big heads that dont think.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 15:15:24 +0000

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