well put sue Sue Jones 22 hrs · The government has - TopicsExpress


well put sue Sue Jones 22 hrs · The government has drastically cut its spending on everything – including the NHS, and welfare, in spite of their ludicrous claims to the contrary, this means that the government has consistently damaged the prospect of economic recovery. This also demonstrates clearly that Coalition policy is driven by their own ideology rather than a genuine problem-solving approach to the economy. Yes, I know I’ve said all of this before – and so have others – but it’s so important to keep on exposing this Tory lie. However, I believe that Conservatives really do have a conviction that the “big state” has stymied our society: that the “socialist relic” – our NHS and our Social Security system, which supports the casualties of Tory free markets, have somehow created those casualties. But we know that the competitive, market choice-driven Tory policies create a few haves and many have-nots. And so do the Tories. Coalition rhetoric is designed to have us believe there would be no poor if the welfare state didn’t “create” them. If the Coalition must insist on peddling the myth of meritocracy, then surely they must also concede that whilst such a system has some beneficiaries, it also creates situations of insolvency and poverty for others. This wide recognition that the raw “market forces” of laissez-faire or stark neoliberalism causes casualties is why the welfare state came into being, after all – because when we allow such competitive economic dogmas to manifest – as the stormy present – there are winners and losers. That is the nature of competitive individualism, and along with inequality, it’s an implicit, undeniable and fundamental part of the meritocracy script. And that’s before we consider the fact that whenever there is a conservative-led government, there is no such thing as a “free market”: in reality, all markets are rigged for elites. The truth is that the Tories want an unequal society, with people desperate for survival, so that those people will work for next to nothing to make a few people very very rich.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 22:49:13 +0000

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