when Independence was achieved...Belize was a blank slate with - TopicsExpress


when Independence was achieved...Belize was a blank slate with WEALTH UNTOLD...almost immediately the feeding frenzy began...as soon as the British turned their backs...the ONLY people who ever benefited were those in power.....and those willing to sell their souls....the ORDINARY Belizean never stood a chance then...and does not stand a chance today....for thirty consecutive years..under the current way we are GOVERNED...Belize has been on a steady decline....how in the name of all that is holy...has a handful of people become owners of WEALTH UNTOLD...all of them POLITICIANS...while the Country is now bone dry and its debt is now in the billions...any wonder why we have the CRIME rate we have...now the PUP are making noise and trying to tell us that THEY have the solution...and that the Government of the day should do this and do that....PLEASE PLEASE...somebody tell me who put us in the situation we in now...the last time PUP were in power they ganged raped Belize without mercy....and then when they were done with her...invited a few of their friends to have a go at her...then when their friends were done with her...they sold her off for little or nothing...case in point...who benefits from OUR OIL...Ashcroft interests in Belize have tax holidays up to the year 2O2O.....and so on...and so on...and so on...now they try to tell us that they HAVE the answer...BULLSHIT.....ENOUGH!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 18:06:41 +0000

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