when love spoke to me it was cotton flesh on my solitude of bones - TopicsExpress


when love spoke to me it was cotton flesh on my solitude of bones crooned Remi Raji in his poem,Love Song. No doubt,there is love in the air. It is valentine day. A day meant to relish the pleasant tragedy of a bloke named Valentine who became a matyr for love. There have been excess ballyhoo snowballing the importance of this day as totally indispensable. However,this is not untoward. The hoopla suffussing the air is emotional. We have heard different stories concerning love tragedies. The greek heroes,Hercules and Archilles chose to die for love. In the shakespear text,Romeo and Julliet choose to commit suicide because of the adamatine affection they have for eachother despite the existence of a needless enmity between the two families. Leonardo Di caprio who was Jack in the award winning,and the most pathetic love movie in the last few years,Titanic,also,impenintently died for love. Surprisingly in the movie,the wind of love caught up with Jack in the ship where he met the seraphic but unlucky girl. How do we explain that love escapade? It is love,it catches up with you anytime and unexpectedly. The tenterhooks of the movie,however,ended in tragedy when Jack voluntarily gave away the iceberg due to inadequate space to the girl and jumped to the river as to save the girl whom she met fortuitously. He died for the lady to live. So why are we castigating and reprimanding the girl who consumed the pernicious hypo soap all because her love had winnowed her from his heart. All love stories are tragic,Sam Omatseye yelled. Worthy of mentioning is the unprecedented sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for all and sundry. He chose to die for us to get saved. Nothing is too precious to sacrifice for love. In the political arena,there was Eva peron of Argentina,who suffered alot for love but also enjoyed the harvest of her love agony. Winnie,Mandelas first spouse could not endure for long even when her hubby needed her most,and which is still affecting her authentic relevance as one of Madibas queens. To be a matyr for love does not require media publicity or international publication. It simply means giving up our life on those that are worth it. It also means appreciating and cuddling our loved ones,showing them how immeasurable and unquantifiable our love for them is. Its not too late to reach out to them. As for me,I had no date today,the technical GES104 is giving me some tough times. However,my greetings go to all and sundry,with specific refence to DAD,YOMMITTEE,KAY,titi,eben,phard,norwish,dan,g.bello,d.one,hey y,bhenero,aziz,kay,fatty,paul,raph,bd7,pappy,ascotman,simak,w.f.r.slimz,unc.t,007,adigun,t.bello,shennex,mike,samfak...among others. Aristotle once asserted that at the touch of love everybody becomes a poet we all have different stories to unfurl when it comes to being loved and falling in love. PEPPER.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 19:14:56 +0000

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