...while we look not to the seen things, because the seen things - TopicsExpress


...while we look not to the seen things, because the seen things are temporal......we are living in an age (an apocalypse/unveiling) in which science is confirming spirituality and spirituality is confirming science (the knowledge of the Lord fills all the earth...the earth is the Lords, and everything in it)...Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that the physical world as we know it is actually just a vast sea of energy, constantly flashing into and out of being in milliseconds...nothing that you perceive with the eye is solid...(He holds all things together by the word of His power)...welcome to the world of Quantum Physics...the ancients understood and tapped into it, including many of the writers of Scripture... scientists today have proven that thoughts (observations) are what put together and hold in place this ever-changing energy field into the ‘objects’ that we see...so why is it that we see a person instead of a flashing cluster of energy? Well, in the same way that film is really a collection of about 24 frames a second, and each frame is separated by a space/gap, and the observers eyes get tricked into thinking that he/she sees a continuous, moving picture because of the speed at which one frame replaces another, so what we think we see is not really what we are seeing (we walk by faith and not by sight...faith is the evidence of things not seen)...every one of our interpretations is based entirely on the ‘internal map’ of reality that we have, and not the real truth, and that old faithful ‘map’ is a result of our personal life’s collective experiences...the thoughts we think are linked to this invisible energy and they determine what the energy creates (...and calls those things which are not as though they are)...in a sense, your thoughts literally shift the universe on a particle-by-particle basis to create and manifest the physical life you live...everything that you see around you in the physical world started as an idea, which grew as it was shared and expressed, until it grew enough into a physical object through a number of steps (as a man thinks, so is he)..you literally become what you think about most and your life becomes what you have imagined and believed in most...the world is literally your mirror, enabling you to experience in the physical plane what you hold as your truth …that is, until you change it...Quantum Physics confirms to our intellect what Spirit has already communicated to our spirit...it reaffirms to us that the world is not the hard, impenetrable and unchangeable thing it may appear to be...it reveals to us that the world is a very fluid place, continuously built up using our individual and collective thoughts (which is why agreement is so powerful...the people are one and now nothing they imagine shall be impossible to them)...in this apocalypse/unveiling we have begun to uncover the illusion that works like slight of hand on our thinking, and most importantly, how to change it...nothing is impossible...anything can happen today...you are more than you think you are...
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 15:29:50 +0000

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