who is to blame for the poor management of our warriors by zifa?a - TopicsExpress


who is to blame for the poor management of our warriors by zifa?a quick answer to this question will point to curthbert dube and his board as the culprits behind the debacle of soccer in this country.after thinking about this for a long tym i have realised that we the fans are also to blame for what is happening at zifa.mismanagement at zifa is not new and did not start with the current board.it is everyone knowledge that since time immemorial we always cried about the shortcomings of zifa.wellington nyatanga,rafik khan just to mention but a few all came and during their time at the helm we complained about poor handling of bussiness at 53 livingstone avenue by zifa.nyatanga and khan are no longer there but our problems are stil there and this shows that the problems at zifa will not only be solved by changing presidents.the solution to the problem i believe lies with us the fans.what i am saying is that its high time we fans have a say in how football is being run in this country,i am not saying that we should occupy posts in the board of zifa bt i am saying that its time we stand up and be counted .all along zifa has been taking us for granted ,for example when we all cried for the burundi and guinea match to be played at rufaro wha dd zifa dd?they blatantly refused to move the match to rufaro and we fans responded by thronging the national sports stadium in our thousands to support the warriors and in the process vindicating the decision by zifa to have the match played at the nss. i believe we got it wring as fans we should have boycotted the match and let zifa know that we exist.zifa no longer regards us as shareholders in the affairs of our warriors bt they nw tek us for granted .because of our actions the just nw regard us as a group of noisy pple whose views must not be taken into consideration as they are assured of our support even if their actions directly oppose ours interests and thse of the warriors.its nw the tym for us to be heard lets all in unison agree and act as one.we nid to boycott all future games of the warriors for us to be heard.we shld directly oppose zifa they shld stop taking us for granted
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 09:37:10 +0000

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