y Today: On September 21, 1780, during the American Revolution, - TopicsExpress


y Today: On September 21, 1780, during the American Revolution, American general Benedict Arnold’s treason was revealed when plans were discovered detailing his plot to turn West Point over to the British. Throughout the first years of America’s fight for independence, General Benedict Arnold was one of the young United States’ finest military officers. He fought the British at Quebec, Ridgefield, Lake Champlain, and finally in arguably his finest hour, at the Battle of Saratoga. In this fight, his spirited rallying of patriot troops and his charge on Hessian positions turned the tide of the battle, giving the Americans a decisive victory. However, Arnold suffered an extremely painful leg wound at Saratoga, and he would have to spend months recovering. During his recovery period and beyond, he was passed over for many a promotion even though he had seniority. These slights did not go unnoticed by Arnold, and he, a man obsessed with protecting his honor, would never forget them. In 1780, Arnold was appointed to command the critical Hudson River fortification of West Point. West Point had extreme strategic value due to its location on the river, a harsh bend. Patriots had placed a chain across the river at this point baring the redcoat ships from coming any farther and basically dividing the river in two. Arnold knew the value of the fortification and that is why at this point he began to lay his options on the table. After steadfast urging from his loyalist wife and after many perceived slights, Arnold began to meet with the British to discuss his switching sides, and he had quite a bit to offer them. He was known to be an exceptional military commander who could win battles and most importantly he could secure the surrender of West Point, which would give the British complete control of the Hudson, essentially splitting the Colonies in two. This whole plot may have gone off without a hitch, but unfortunately for the British, Major John Andre, Arnold’s British contact, was captured by patriot militia. On his person were documents incriminating Arnold and revealing the whole plot. As soon as Arnold got wind of Andre’s capture he rapidly spirited himself away down the Hudson in a small rowboat, linking up with British ships. The news of Benedict Arnold’s betrayal shocked the entire nation and instantaneously made his name synonymous with traitor.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 23:34:20 +0000

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