yes, you see, you should not vote - protest ! ... stand up against - TopicsExpress


yes, you see, you should not vote - protest ! ... stand up against them ! ... be a part of the revolution instead of propping up your oppressors - wake up !! ok ... and, if there is a mass protest of silence and, say, only 20% of the population vote, what do you think will happen next ? they will have to take notice, change - listen to the people ! who will have to take notice ? - the newly formed government will only be able to listen to those who speak - if you are silent, your voice cannot be heard, so you are then ignored the whole system has to go - it is rotten and corrupt and people are being hurt by this dinosaur system of Westminster politics people are being hurt by This government, yes - and we have this government because Not Enough people voted, shouted, for a different ideology in power ... the British people did Not vote for compassion, so we have a government which lacks compassion. It is very simple: we collectively get what we collectively ask for - if we shout with different voices we get a muddlement - if we shout with silence, then only those who make a noise (vote) are able to shape what we, the collective, then get. but they are all greedy bastards and I hate all of them - there is no choice for me Become a choice then - get involved - stand as an independent, or start your own party, and give us the opportunity to follow you with our voice (vote) ! ... if you are eloquent enough and can present your side of things (ideology) well, youll be amazed how many will follow ... :) I cant be bothered with all that - lets just get rid if this rotten system - people are dying, the planet is dying, there are so many problems and they are doing nothing ... yes, I agree, a lot of the things that concern me are not being addressed by this particular government - so, change them in 2015 I dont want to wait that long - we need a change now !! I agree !! ... but, You shouted in 2010 that you did not want to be able to easily change your government until 2015, so, thanks to You, we are stuck with them for another 18 months :( I didnt vote for that ... So few people, you among them, voted Labour, that this resultant coalition had to form; the first thing the coalition did was make it a fixed-term parliament of 5 years (sometimes an election is called after 4 years) and they also changed the percentage of votes needed in parliament for a vote of no confidence from 51% against the government to 75% - making it virtually impossible to turf them out before 2015 - thank you for your stupid silence that let this lot walk into power .. :( !! I dont believe in government - we should have the power - the people should rule themselves the people do rule themselves - politicians are humans - have you not noticed the quantity of errors they make ? - they are soooooooo very human - us and them; we are all fumbling, stumbling, incompetent humans ... are we not ? yes, but if we change the system, we would all be free !! - you must agree, freedom is important !!! I certainly do !!! - which is why I always vote. I believe it is important that I am free to believe what I wish, so long as my beliefs do not cause pain for others. I believe it is good that I can walk outside my home without being overwhelmingly fearful of being attacked, abused or intimidated. I believe that all people have an innate value and an equal status as people. I believe that humans who choose to intimidate, abuse or hurt other people should be stopped by other humans, in an agreed restraining way, from causing those harms. When such restraints are removed in societies, humans default into behaviours of collective savagery and brutality; one can see so many examples of this in war zones, disaster areas and states whos governments have fallen into anarchy and gang control. If you get rid of the government, who is going to police the brutal violent raping people ? ... and who is going to want to repair street lights ? ... and who is going to want to make sure that the worker repairing the motorway at night is able to have a cup of tea ? ... people were hung in the past for demanding these rights and safeties ... who is going to want to run the infrastructure if there are no wages ? ... are you personally going to volunteer to do the accounts for all the people who keep the machinery of this island running ? ... ?? my request for the details of the improvement-revolution (a revolution is pointless if it doesnt make things better, right) was met with silence ... if you know how to make it all run better, and you have better ideas than Labour or Green, and your ideas are even more well thought through than theirs, please write them down and tell us, all of us, about it and give us, all of us, the option to choose you at choosing time if you havent got a better idea, then please choose the best of the ideas before you and Vote - because, if you are silent you will let the worst of the choices have their hands on power and they will affect your life ... again
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:35:57 +0000

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