you know it really does puzzle me about family and close friends - TopicsExpress


you know it really does puzzle me about family and close friends of dads it really does like its just like ya given up on dad already and just waiting for a funeral its a joke it really is as like the docters and nurses hasnt given up on dad so what makes ya have the right to give up like theirs none of ye thats even bothered to even understand the meaning of a coma nor have many bothered to go see dad like I know docters and the nurses are seeing to dad but they aint there talking to dad when he opens hes eyes or helping dad when he coughs (like useing suction to clear any stuff that needs to be cleared like as he is in sleep mode so he cant sit himself up and cough anything out ) family I ment to be there to help do these things for the so called family member they love ay ... and bollocks to the family that have to excuse of not wanting to see dad like that as I ask ya all like what !!!???? the man is in sleep mode have ya never seen dad asleep ??? well Im sure many has an snoring away ... well if thats something bad to watch then theres something wrong with ya ....understand the facts of a coma and understand dad did not go in to coma by himself he was medically induced in to a coma for 2 weeks and yes the danger side to that was it could put dad in to a life time coma (I pray to god it doesnt put dad in to life time coma ) but that was the risks the docters took as I couldnt stop them putting into coma but I did stop them doing anymore after 2weeks ...ppl wake up after 3months or even longer Ive spoke to docters nurses and even ppl that have had coma there self and had family in comas and yes some ppl can go months in coma and wake up or some can go even to a year in a coma an wake up ....docters know the facts and havent given up on dad so why should any body else eh well I ll tell ya I wont be giving up on dad and Im so glad Iam the daughter of dad as there be no giving up till theres medical facts!!! that dad wont wake up check ya facts about dad and even bother to go see dad b4 you judge how he is or give up on him eh ... dads is in coma sleep mode like why woul that be scary!!??? and any docters will tell ya it helps for ppls family and close friends to be their to talk to him and try bring him round as much as you can or he could just keep sleeping as like why would he even want to wake up when hes just getting left alone by himself eh .... its a joke and you know what Im so glad my dad raised me and deany to care and to be loyal and Im glad I have raised my bambinos to care and to be loyal the same coz with out us dad would be just left like a bad dog to die and then ya have the ppl showing up at dd funeral pretending to care and shes a tear eh ..... sleep mode remember that dad in normal sleep mode snoring away and that doesnt scare me and I wont be giving up garentee ya ..... god forbid if anything happen to me I know my bambinos will be there and not giving up on me
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 14:46:40 +0000

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