The Worst Fear of all is - TopicsExpress

   The Worst Fear of all is Inaction People drive themselves as if they were slaves because of the fear of poverty and old age. People hoard money for what – old age. We work so hard that it brings about stress and illness and an early death. We dont realize the impact of the daily grind until the forty year mark, and by then, many just decide to go with the flow and they miss opportunities when they appear. At forty years, a man or a woman should be entering the age of understanding of what life is all about. They should understand the times and the seasons of life and realizes the limitation of the human body. We fight off the rages of old age but there are not too many that can run as fast and as hard as they did twenty years ago. Now is the time in which men should realize that the principles of organized efforts makes life easier. You can go it along but the lone ranger becomes the gone ranger. Ignorance of the principles of auto-suggestion should be used for benefit but it becomes a hindrance. A man meets with some disappointment; a friend proves false or a neighbor seems indifferent and the man decides that all men are untrustworthy and all neighbors are unappreciative through the effect of self suggestion. These thoughts become embedded in the mind and effects how we respond towards others, as such the dominating thoughts of a person attracts similar people. Unbelievers attract unbelievers. It takes work to stay positive in a negative world. If you start the day off with coffee and the news you got to fight to gain control of the day. Paul Hutchings started the think and grow rich mastermind call over four years ago. The purpose of the call was to uplift all who joined in the call. Entrepreneurs and small business owners need a boast because they are going against the norm. The person who looks for the good ignores the bad friend and the poor neighbor because he has conditioned his mind to do so. That is being pro-active instead of reactive. The dominating thoughts of optimism and good cheer draws similar people to him. Human nature draws those that have the same harmonizing thoughts. For the person who was told that modesty is the way to be, they quietly slip to the rear stages of life and let others boldly go forth. They could do more but they decide to do less because of the fear of criticism. They let their fear keep them from contributing more to the world. Taking care of you and yours is OK, but it doesnt contribute much to the world. Then there is the person born of poor parents. The constant talk of poverty has seeped into their mind and they feel that the situation can not be overcome. They have the poverty mind-set. Some decide to go the “get” or “take route” which leads to depression and death. When they get a job they keep it even though they may hate it. They work hard and this is OK but what happens when the economy changes? If you live on the edge and the economy changes, you fall off. You have the power and the potential to do more but you settle for a steady job. Keep your job but be on the look out for opportunities and dont be afraid to take chances. T.D. Jakes said that your beginning does not determine your ending. What your parents did does not mean that you must do the same. My mother was a southern gal from Mississippi who had a limited education. Her mother died when she was eight and she never knew your father. Im amazed with the things I have done and the places I have seen, but I guess we all have a purpose. This has been straight talk, beast mode. If you have an opportunity to start your own internet franchise why wouldnt you take the time a look? https://isuccessformula/adam/?id=earl_hackett&tid= H.G.M.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 03:06:58 +0000

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