assumptions on all others who pointed a - TopicsExpress

   assumptions on all others who pointed a finger at me to call me such a gambler even did they only speak nothing more then lie because it was them who wanted to be the image of the gambler and then so as I could of took them for everything they had n or owned being a part of who I am when they couldnt ever hide their aces from me I just got bored and truly felt bad for what they were to lose by trying me or coming against me so I even gave the other part of this song back so they could leave with no more then their fake pride they left with never be letting them keep a card or half of them to leave with their life,,,But I had to know a little bit more then song then even the guy who sang it for I can say the train n where that darkness all tried to see where they could find an ace to keep,,,I never needed to have an ace to win nor was I even so ever looking for an ace to keep..................Does Kenny Rogers know who was on that train ride or was he just thinking of a time he was allowed to ride such a train,,,Only just a secret to surviving that goes a long way back before Kenny Rogers sings about,,And that you take to the bank and put more then just an ace in the bank to cash out on....I NEVER RUN is the only Ace I leave everybody with who folded long before they tried to count anything that was not their to count,,I just let them keep the ace they thought they had............
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 12:28:22 +0000

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