The mod term elections almost always have - TopicsExpress

   The mod term elections almost always have a lacking of votes, in particular, liberal and progressive votes. One can not really complain about the result of a vote. I have no bearing in the situation anyway. But it highlights the problems of the Russell Brand strategy that is standing aside because the whole dual party system is corrupted by money. I understand concept. Participating in a corrupted system expecting varying results (such as the Jesus many seen in Obama pre 2008) could be defined as insanity. And yet, such a mindset implies that both parties are equally corrupted, on an equal level. Which is not true. Sure both are on the take, when it comes to the biggest donors. But (for the most part) only one would want to cut such things as food stamps, the ACA, the EPA/FDA and any number of others that are a pain in the ass to the big money donors. Stepping aside does not circumvent the system, it just leaves it in the hands of the propagandized. Applicable to and republic or democracy.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 20:52:43 +0000

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