As I post this on my glossy space age hand - TopicsExpress

   As I post this on my glossy space age hand computer my mind shutters with an apathetic rage. Apoplectic fumes swirl around yet the screen blares on. It seems almost inescapable, the ability to make conscious minded decisions with our money and not harm someone while doing it. So this is the system we want to protect? This system that destroys lives of others as well as the planet all while we bumble along for a couple of coins and a sense of security and self worth. This system that holds the propensity to divide and conquer our minds so much that we concede to the notion that this is just the way things are thats the system that we want to fix? Its not broken folks. Its working better than ever... It just wasnt built for the vast majority of humans. It has been built and manipulated further to exploit others and collect as much cash as possible. Sure there are some good politicians out there. But it seems that by the time their off the campaign trail theyve forgotten who they are. Or rather their blinders were lifted and saw how it all really works... Happy holidays. Maybe 2015 well help out our fellow humans a little more and destroy our planet a little less. Peace and Love
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:30:59 +0000

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