..šīs filmas ir izpelnījušās tapt skatītas studiju - TopicsExpress


..šīs filmas ir izpelnījušās tapt skatītas studiju ietvaros..Pērļu pērles līdz kariņam..;) Paldies, Kārlis Znotiņš ! 1. Voyage dans la lune, Georges Melies, 1902 2. The Birth of a Nation, 1915 3. Intolerance, D.W. Griffit, 1916 4. Das Kabinet der doktor Kaligari, Robert Wiene, 1922 5. The Kid, Charles Chaplin, 1921 6. Nosferatu, Robert F. Murnaw, 1922 7. Metropolis, Fritz Lang, 1926 8. Bronenosec Potjemkin, Sergejs Eizenšteins, 1926 9. The Jazz Singer, Alan Crosland,1927 10. The Grand Hotel, Edmund Goulding, 1932 11. Un Chien Andalou, Luis Bunuel, Salvador Dali, 1929 12. The Blue Angel, Joseph von Sternberg, 1930 13. The Public Enemy, William A.Wellman, 1931 14. Frankenstein, James Wales, 1931 15. Zero for Conducti, Jean Vigo, 1933 16. It Happened One Night, Frank Capra, 1934 17. L’Atalante, Jean Vigo, 1939 18. Top Hat, Mark Sandrich, 1935 19. The 39 Steps, Alfred Hitchcock, 1935 20. Modern Times, Charlie Chaplin, 1936 21. Bringing up Baby, George Cukor, 1938 22. Roaring twenties, Raoul Walsh,1939 23. Gone With the Wind, Victor Fleming, 1939 24. Wizard of Oz, Victor Fleming, 1939 25. Ninotchka, Ernst Lubitsch, 1939 26. The Great Dictator, Charlie Chaplin, 1940 27. Citizen Kane, Orson Welles, 1941 28. Casablanca, Michael Curtiz, 1941 29. The Maltese Falcon, Juhn Huston, 1941 30. The Double Indemnity, Billy Willder, 1944
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:24:50 +0000

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