Οι Έλληνες είναι φτιαγμένοι από - TopicsExpress


Οι Έλληνες είναι φτιαγμένοι από σκληρό γρανίτη, πέτρα και μάρμαρο!!!! Και Όχι από πηλό. Γιαυτό, ποτές δεν θα λιώσουν!!! Hellenes are created out of hard granite, stone, and marble!! Not out of mud, therefore can never be melt !!!!!!! IDEA If you lift every stone, If you lift every boulder, You will not find me… If you look into the depth Of caves and mines, Into the center of the earth, You will not find me… You will not find me In universities. You will not find me In aggressive music concerts Or meaningless lectures… You will not find me In human errors. You will not find me In gatherings Of high society With fake smiles. You will find me In Hephaestus’ anvil And wondrous skills! Hephaestus, The creator of Wonders, The creator of Gods and man, Hephaestus, The obstetrician of Blue-eyed Goddess Athena, Of wisdom, goodness And knowledge!!!! You will find me In the recesses of Prometheus’ heart!! (I still feel the taste In my mouth Of Prometheus’ iron Chains and braces).! You will find me In the center Of Themis’ scale! You will find me On the rim Of Aphrodite’s seashell! You will find me In the tough, Strict, Lycurgus’ laws!!!. You will find me In Socrates’ footsteps!! You will find me Under the pillow Of Aristotle and Plato!! You will find me In the veins of Homer, You will find me In the heart of Hercules, In the courage of Ulysses!!! You will find me In Achilles’ heel!!! You will find me In Agamemnon’s passion!! You will find me In ancient tombs Of Greece and Italy!! You will find me In Alexander’s tears, In Julius Caesar’s Orders and cries!!! You will find me In the bottom Of Diogenes’ Earthen cask! You will find me In Confucius’ Robust words! You will find me In Alexander’s Genghis Khan’s Sweet love!!!! You will find me In Ruth’s haystack! You will find me In Penelope’s womb! Through the history of mankind First ladies of one kind, With real splendor, real Truth Were Hypatia, Penelope and Ruth Every time I think about These splendid ladies, Penelope and Ruth, My heart, my spirit Reaches to them, Right through bygones of ages! I pries you, Ooh my GODDESS HOLEYEST PENELOPE!.. Dreadfulness is, the unjustly To judge and condemn the righteous!. You will find me Perseus’ shield And romanticism! You will find me In Galileo’s’ wine! You will find me In Galileo’s and Socrates’ cell! Philosophers walk alone, They don’t walk in groups. The worms are many, The eagles are few!!! You will find me In George Washington’s Wise and just mind, In his grand arms And loving heart, And in his Greek American wisdom!!! (George Washington spoke and Wrote Greek fluently.) You will find me In your mind, You will find me In your soul!!! The pain is mine The pleasure is yours!!! I am an idea With no existence!! I can only be reached Only within the spirit!! If you searched throughout The cities and towns You will not find me. You will find me In forests And valleys I am the raining, Running waters Of rivers and falls!!! I am a small particle Of the sun, I can warm up your heart!! I am the last ashes, Dust of the past, I am the mystery Of the present, I am the enlightenment Of the future!!! On dark cloudy nights You are the supreme Shining star!!!! I can see the brightness glowing In your beautiful face!!! You will find me in the scientific And mystical skills Of the Mayas and Incas!. You will find me in the Aborigines’ Mystical circus!!! You will find me in the dust Of African dances!!!! Truth, Love Is in every innocent heart! Does not matter what race, White, Asian or Black!!! I walked along With mother wolf, (THE BIRTH OF ROME) I babysat the twins For mother wolf! Think of the tragic event. When a hungry and angry wolf Meets two vulnerable infants… The mother wolf lost her babies, They were killed by humans For pleasure and sport! The mother wolf was so hungry Because she had no time To look for food, As she looked and searched Day and night For her lost pups. When she meets the twins, Remus and Romulus, Instead of taking revenge, She acts better Than the human murderers! She adopts them with Love and compassion! She raises them with Knowledge and courage! Mother Wolf, The most protective, caring mom, If you approach her pups She will rip you apart. All ways compassioned And extremely Loving. When the humans stole The twin brothers From the careering bosom Of Mother Wolf Rapidly they plant The seed of malice, Wickedness and the evil division, Into the infant’s soul!.. Today, some mothers Abandon their children, Throw them out Of apartment windows, Dumping them In garbage dumpsters, Some with fear Abandon them in Hospitals or firehouses! Oh, what a filthy, Inhumane, Disgraceful act this is! Who is the human? Who is the animal? I let you be the judge. The mother wolf Gave birth to a nation That lasted For a thousand years With the best glory, Richest and fine qualities… Yet, real animals destroyed it… There are people Who like to build! For the whole world To enjoy it!!! There are people who For pleasure, For satisfaction.. Like to demolish And destroy… The Talibans Have been in existence For many thousands Of years! A complete Knowledge Comes from the heart And not from the mind! I wonder why Ivy League universities Don’t teach Common sense, logic, And emotional intelligence!! It is so sad That universities produce Greedy, fierce, vicious Wild wolves Supporting production, corruption, They’re users and abusers, Law manipulators With a thousand loops! I wonder why All these intellects Are such liars, are so dishonest. Dishonesty and lies Are A sign of stupidity and weakness! Honesty is the strength of a lion! Honesty is the strength of a giant! I wish if I had The ability, The power, The gift, To be able To restore harsh, Human hearts In the same way I restore Broken down buildings, Into a fine quality finish!!! To restore hearts To make them More compassionate, Turn them into Sentimentalists, Sensitive with love, Full of charity and wisdom!!! I do so have the ability To restore and comfort Broken, sensitive hearts, To give them courage and hope!!! A complete knowledge Comes from the heart And not from the mind! Don’t be a fool, That heart has no knowledge Heart has life (Heart is life), Heart has existence! Heart has substance! Heart can sense everything! Heart feels pain and pleasure! Heart controls your life!! When you allow The mind to control the heart, It’s like removing The engine of a vehicle And replacing it With a steering wheel!! The whole world Is crushing, The whole world Is falling apart Because new generations Try to control life With their minds Instead of with their hearts! Anger turns The whole world Into chaos! Again, I believe that Knowledge comes from the heart And not from the mind! (As Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explains In his speech Inspiration As my thoughts flow Through my heart into my hands Writing)! In this phrase he does not claim That his thoughts flow through his mind Instead he claims they flow through His heart! Truth, Honesty, Wisdom, and Virtue Reside inside a child’s heart!! Most of the peacemakers, Decent, good men Had tragic deaths! It has been proven Throughout history, If the public discovers That you have integrity, Honor, principles, And pride. Then they will try each And every possible way To diminish it! Moreover they Will Condemn you to death! Dreadfulness is, the unjustly To judge and condemn the righteous When the righteous are in authority, The people rejoice: But when the wicked rule, The people mourn. I wonder why Some people Call themselves Teachers, And yet they dislike Knowledge and learning! Everyone likes to know How much money You have in the bank, And how much, Your treasure’s worth! No one likes to know, How much love you have, Treasures that are hiding, Deep within your soul! Written by: Stavros Sitaras Homerides Copyright C 51948-6121995-02 ak9.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/3142186/preview/stock-footage-downward-pan-of-a-cascading-waterfall.webm
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 04:47:49 +0000

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