مراجعة اولى ثانوي unit 1 U.1 famous Egyptians - TopicsExpress


مراجعة اولى ثانوي unit 1 U.1 famous Egyptians 1- What did Dr El-Baz use to find underground water? - He used Remote Sensing. He used photographs which he took from satellites. 2- What do you know about Dr El-Baz? - He was born in Zagazig and was educated at Ain Shams University. - He is a space scientist and geologist. - He is the Director of Remote Sensing at Boston University - He is the worlds greatest expert in Remote Sensing. 3- What is Remote Sensing? - It is the use of satellites to find water under deserts. 4- Which project landed men on the moon? - The Apollo Space Project landed men on the moon. 5- What advice did Dr El-Baz give to astronauts? - He gave advice on where astronauts should land and told them how to collect rocks on the moon and take photographs. 6-Why is Remote Sensing so important in Egypt and other countries today? - Because it is important to have enough water and find minerals . 7- Why do you think Egypt has so many good squash players? - Because they work hard, practise every day, start playing when they are young and do not give up. 8- How do you think scientists like Dr El-Baz can change our lives in the future? - They can discover underground water and minerals. 9- If you were successful and famous, what would you hope to give back to your country? I would take part in developing my country economically l^ and socially. 10- In your opinion, what made Dr El-Baz a successful scientist and geologist? - He is hard working, has a strong will and honest . 11-What do you think Dr Zahi Hawass does to restore Egypts glory? - He tries hard to bring back Egypts things like statues, jewellery and Rosetta Stone from other countries. 12- Why is Dr Zewail famous? - Because he discovered the femtosecond and won the Nobel Prize for chemistry. 13-Can you tell us about another Egyptian who won the Nobel Prize? Who is he? - Yes, Naguib Mahfouz won the Nobel Prize for literature. 14- What do you know about Ramy Ashour? - He is a famous squash player who won important championships in squash. unit 2 U.2 Charles Dickens 1- Why did Oliver leave the workhouse and go to London? Because when he asked for more food in the workhouse, he was punished. 2- What did Fagin teach the gang? He taught the gang how to be thieves. 3- Show that Mr. Brown low was kind. He stopped the police from arresting Oliver. Then he took Oliver to his house and looked after him. 4- What happened to the thieves when they broke into Mrs. Maylies house? The thieves were discovered and Oliver was shot. 5- Who adopted Oliver in the end and where did they live? Mr. Brownlow adopted Oliver in the end and they went to live with Mrs. Maylie and Rose. 6- Why do you think Mr. Brownlow stopped the police from arresting Oliver? He felt sorry for Oliver. He wanted to give him a chance in life. 7- How do you think Oliver felt about his life in the workhouse? Life was hard for the poor boy who was punished when he asked for more food. 8- Do you think children have an easier life today? Account for your answer. No, because there are child workers and children who live in the streets. Life is hard for them. 9- How do you think Oliver felt when he found that Rose was his mothers sister? He felt very happy and surprised because he was miserable and wanted a family to live with. 10- Why do you think Charles Dickens was the most famous writer in the English language? Because he wrote about life in the nineteenth - century Britain in his novels. unit 3 U.3 The power of the mind 1- How are Drams compared with computers? Brains are more complex and powerful than computers. 2- What can you do with your brains? You can see, smell flowers, remember holidays, feel pain, hear your favourite singers voice and think. 3- How does your brain control what you do? It controls everything you do. It receives information from your senses, analyses it, then sends messages. 4- How do our senses work together? When you eat something, your brain receives messages from your eyes, mouth and nose. 5- Give examples of what the brain can do. - It stores past memories and this makes learning and remembering possible. - It controls your breathing, your body temperature and your digestion. 6- Which of the five senses is the most important? Why? The sense of sight is the most important because you cant read a book, watch TV or operate a computer without it. 7- In your opinion, how would your life be difficult without this sense? Ill live in complete darkness and Ill depend on the other senses. 8- How, do you think, we can help people who have lost one of their senses? By training them to depend on the other senses. 9- Do you think people who cannot hear or see can help us in any way? If someone loses one of the senses, the other senses become stronger than normal people, so we can make use of the stronger senses of these people. 10- In your opinion, is it a good thing or a bad thing if we all like the same things we see, hear and taste? It is not a good thing because difference makes variety in life. 11-Why, do you think, that the human brain is incredible? Because it is capable of remembering peoples names and telephone numbers easily. unit4 U.4 People and their lives 1- What did Abu- Heif win at the age of ten? He won the Egyptian primary school swimming championship. 2- What did he win in 2001? He won a prize as the best swimmer of the 20th century. 3- When did he become internationally famous? He became internationally famous when he crossed the English Channel in 1951. 4- What happened in 1963 for Abu-Hief? He won the Montreal swimming race. 5- How did Egypt honour Abu - Heif? They gave his name to a beach at Al-Anfoushi. 6- Give an example to show that Abu Heif-was generous. He gave his prize money for swimming the English Channel to the family of the British swimmer who drowned while crossing it. 7- What do you think Abu-Heif s greatest quality was? He was loyal because he postponed retirement JI^VI after a request from President Nasser. 8- In your opinion, what can we do to make sure that people do not forget heroes from the past? School subjects must deal with heroes and we should give them positions to benefit from their experience. 9- Why, do you think, important people wanted to meet Abu Heif when he was famous? Because they were proud of him. 10-Why do you think most young Egyptians had never heard of Abu-Heif? Because newspapers, radio and television do not give them any information about Abu-Heif. unit 5 U.5 Ernest Hemingway 1- Why did Mandolins parents tell him to work with a more successful fisherman? Because Santiago had not caught a fish for nearly three months. 2- What did Santiago do after 84 days with no fish? He sailed a long way out to sea alone. On the 85th day, a big marlin, had taken the bait. 3- Why did the marlin pull the boat along? Because the old man was not strong enough to pull it to the boat. 4- Why was the old man in great pain for two days and nights? Because he had the fishing line round his body. 5- Why didnt the old man cut the fishing line? He was determind that the fish would not escape. 6- Why do you think, the old man went fishing alone? To prove that he was still capable, despite his old age, to earn hi living. 7- What do you think this story shows us about people like Santiago? I think such people have a strong will despite their old age. 8- Whats your opinion of the old mans character? He is a great role model .He never gives up . He doesnt want nature to beat him. He is brave as he kills seven sharks. 9- Why do you think Mandolin, Santiagos young apprentice, stayed with him? Because he admired the old man for his courage and strong will . 10-The Old Man and the Sea is a story of one mans fight against nature. Who do you think wins the fight? Nature wins in spite of the old mans fierce fight.. 11-Why do you think Ernest Hemingway was a talented writer? Because he wrote different novels about war and won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1953. unit 6 U.6 Tomorrows world 1- How is air pollution a big problem? Air is polluted with exhaust fumes which can damage our health as well as the environment. 2- How are the engines in todays cars better than in the past? They burn petrol more efficiently. 3- How are cars that use engines and batteries better than early electric cars? When the battery is empty, the petrol engine takes over and this recharges the battery. Early cars ran out of fuel when the battery was empty. 4- What may car batteries use in a few years9 time? They may use hydrogen and oxygen. 5- Why is it so important for us to find a replacement for petrol soon? Because in the future there will be no oil. 6- What other things could people use for fuel in the future? People could use alchohol, solar power, wind energy and vegetable oil. 7- Do you think air pollution will get better or worse in the future? Why? I think air pollution will get worse in the future because people are still building factories and cars are increasing in number. 8- Do you think it is important to spend time trying to solve the problem of exhaust pollution? Why? Yes, it is important to spend time trying to solve the problem of exhaust pollution because exhaust gases damage our health as well as the environment. 9- What do you think will happen when there is no oil? People will depend on other sources of energy such as the sun, water and the wind. 10- In your opinion, how can we solve the problem of pollution? We can solve it by using sources of energy other than petrol which do not cause pollution. 11-Why, do you think, people buy modern cars? Because they have a computer that controls the engine and reports any problem. They also have a satellite navigation system which will show the quickest route and tell about traffic-jams . unit 7 U.7 Health and safety 1- When do humans catch bird flu? They catch bird flu when they are near infected birds. 2- Who can catch bird flu? Wild birds, chickens, domestic cats and people can catch it, 3- How can people protect themselves from bird flu? People can protect themselves by washing well if they have been in contact with infected birds. 4- Where did the bird flu start? The recent outbreak started in Asia in 2003. But by 2005 to 2006, there were new outbreaks in Africa, the Middle East and Europe. 5- Why is cleanliness important? Because it protects us from infections. 6- How do some stomach problems begin? By a child with dirty hands passing germs to other children or to food. 7- Mention two rules of hygiene. - You should always wash your hands before a meal and take a bath more often in hot weather or after exercise. - You should keep food clean and covered up. 8- How do you think we can make sure that children wash their hands? If they get the habit of washing them, so we can make sure that children wash their hands regularly. 9- What do you think you should do if you are not sure whether food is bad or not? I shouldnt eat it at all. 10- What public places should always be very clean and hygienic? Why is this important? Restaurants, schools, universities and all public places should always be very clean and hygienic because a lot of people gather in these places. unit 8 U.8 William Shakespeare 1- Why did Shakespeare leave school at the age of 14? Because his family did not have much money. 2- When did he go to London and what did he do there? He went in 1592. He was a well known actor and playwright. He wrote two plays a year which were performed at the Globe theatre in London. 3- How did he make a lot of money? He part - owned the Globe theatre. 4- What does King Lear want to know before he gives his money to his daughters? He wants to know how much his daughters love him. 5- Why is Cordelia sent away? Because she doesnt know how to describe her love for her father. 6- What does Lear do when he discovers he has made a mistake? He wanders around the country with his two friends until they arrive in Dover. 7- Who puts Cordelia and Lear into prison? Why? The English soldiers who are working for Goneril and Regan, because Cordelia and Lear are trying to take power from them. 8- How do you think Cordelia feels when she hears what has happened to her father? She feels very sad and sorry because she loves him very much. 9- Why do you think King Lear believes Goneril and Regan? Because they tell him what he wants to hear. 10- Why do you think that Lear wanders around the country? He probably does not want to live with the two dishonest daughters. unit 9 U.9 Its a small world 1- What is London famous for? It is famous for so many historic buildings and wonderful places to visit: museums, theatres, beautiful shops and big parks. 2- What are the disadvantages of living in a crowded city? Means of transport are crowded, there are big traffic jams and the air is polluted. 3- What is New York famous for? It is famous for the Statue of Liberty which is a symbol of freedom, It has more skyscrapers than any other city in the world. Its most famous buildings are the Empire State Building and the Chrysler building. 4- What do many people think of Paris? How do you know? They think it is the most beautiful city in the world. Every year two million tourists visit it. 5- What is the most popular place to visit in Paris? It is the Eiffel Tower, a tall metal structure which is the symbol of Paris. 6- Why is Tokyo overcrowded? Because seven per cent of the population of the country live there, 7- Why does Japan have the worst pollution in the world? Because its fast wide roads .are filled with traffic. It has skyscrapers like New York. 8- What do you think of Cairo? It has the largest population of all cities in Africa. It is an important centre of tourism. 9- What do you think the things that make Cairo a good place for tourists to visit are? They are : historical sites, the Pyramids, museums and good shopping. 10- In your opinion, is it important for cities to have symbols like the Eiffel Tower? Why? Yes, symbols identify and represent the city. They are useful for tourist agencies as a way of advertising the city. Good Luck / MR.MoHaMeD FATHY
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:24:48 +0000

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