ॐ NAMO~मोदी, ॐ NAMO~मोदी,ॐ - TopicsExpress


ॐ NAMO~मोदी, ॐ NAMO~मोदी,ॐ NAMO~मोदी, ॐ *NAMO~मोदी, ॐ NAMO~मोदी,* धर्म परिवर्तन के दो ही तरीके 67 वर्षो से ठीक हैं। कॉंग्रेस व अन्य तथाकथित धर्मनिर्पेक्ष, सेक्युलर सहयोगी राजनेटिक पार्टी व पैड , सेक्युलर भांड, मीडीया के अनुसार आप सहमत है, वीनास काल, विपरीत बुद्धि ? एक ISIS वाला औरएक मिशनरी वाला या घर की वापसी वाला?। ये यज्ञ हवन वाला सबसे बर्बरता पूर्ण और अस्वीकार्य है. *ॐ~कॉंग्रेस, आप व सेक्युलर भांड मीडिया~ॐ* There are two ways to change the religion properly. The ISIS and a missionary one. This yajna is completed the most vandalism and unacceptable havan- congress, you buffoon media & securely. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* तसलीमा नसरीन ने कहा है कि अगर गरीब मुस्लिम पैसे और भोजन के लिए हिंदू धर्म ग्रहण करना चाहते हैं तो उन्हें ऐसा करने दिया जाए। गरीब हिंदू भी इसी कारण इस्लाम और ईसाइयत को अपनाते हैं। तसलीमा ने ट्वीट के जरिये यह भी कहा है कि इस्लाम में जबरन धर्मातरण न होता तो आज इस्लाम अस्तित्व में नहीं होता। तसलीमा ने जबरन धर्मातरण का विरोध करते हुए कहा है कि हिंदुओं के धर्मातरण के लिए मुस्लिम और ईसाइ दोषी हैं और यही कारण है कि जब हिंदू भी ऐसा करते हैं तो उन्हें बुरा लगता है। तसलीमा ने अपने पूर्वजों को मूर्तिपूजक बताते हुए कहा कि वे हिंदू से मुसलमान बने। *ॐ~तसलीमा नसरीन~ *ॐ SWARTHA, स्वार्थ (SELFISHNESS) is the GREEDFUL, लालच attachment to accumulating means of COMFORT and HAPPINESS for the body of the so called Politicians in the Name of Secularism, धर्मनिरपेक्षता. A selfish & Greedy Politicians only thinks about his selfish needs. A thief or some one who picks pocket will never think of the difficulties of the other person. He wants, somehow or the other, to snatch some one-else property. Generally, selfish & Greedy Politicians live like GENTLEMAN in the society & so on and employ TRICKS to consume other peoples property. These type of person living in every family in universe. A selfish & Greedy Politicians will not HESITATE to inflict a loss of a hundred rupees from another for the sake of getting ONE RUPEE. SELFISHNESS is like a RIVER that may FLOOD in any Season. It is like a well that is never filled. It is a hunger that is never satisfied. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Computing our Gains & Losses together , we are in a BIG DEFICIT, the BIG DEFICIT of CERTAIN VALUES i.e. Righteous Code of Virtuous & Moral Conduct & Act of Family, Society & so forth. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Talking about World Peace is just One More so called Entertainment in the Stage of Slippery World of Deceiving, Cheating & Looting by so Called Selfish, Greedy Politicians. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Unrest, disharmony, Fraud, Deciding, Cheating , Looting ailment, depression, lethargy, poverty, lack of concentration & so forth. are now very common and prevailing in almost every house, society & so forth. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* THE AGE IS FILLED WITH CROOKED PEOPLE , SELFISHNESS & GREED IN HOME, SOCIETY AND EVERY WHERE IN UNIVERSE & WE BLAMING THE NATURE i.e.The world is CHANGED. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* SELFISHNESS & GREED are like a RIVER that may FLOOD in any Season. It is like a well that is never filled. It is a hunger that is never satisfied. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* The World is not a GLOBE. The World is its Living & non Living ( our Life Force). It we do not Work without expectation for individual Transformation, if we do not look for Real Ways of Non Duality of manifesting the Individual Mentally Peaceful, talking about World peace is just One More so called Entertainment in the Stage of Slippery World. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* The SULABHYA (Easily Accessible), Social Conduct, Religiosity & Spirituality (selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH, under this SKY, breathing the same air of UNIVERSE *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* The Positive Attitude, Motives & Perceptive, Sincerity, and infinite Unconditional Love, can conquer the AMBITION (Hindi : Ichha) to become a Great Man. One single SOUL possessed these virtues can destroy the DARK DESIGNS of millions of Hypocrites (Hindi: Pakhandi) & Brutes (Hindi: Bhuddihin). *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* *ॐ~श्री*~ॐ~श्री*~ॐ~श्री*ॐश्री*श्री*ॐश्री*~ॐॐश्री*~ॐश्री*~ॐॐश्री*~ॐॐश्री*~ॐ Share be see & both Videos for sake of HUMANITY among next generation , our Youngsters & Public of India as well Universe to manifest Unconditional Love & mental Peace i.e. SELF REALIZATION for Universal Brotherhood. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* Destroy Evil Attitude & Perceptives Truth is still Truth, even if no ONE believe it. A LIE is still Lie , even if everyone BELIEVE it due to the Misconception, Illusion & Ego. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* Attachment had taken on so many different forms that had appeared beautiful, attractive and sweat To US i.e.Ego, Selfishness, Greed, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Illusion, Fear, Condemn, Pretense, Maya, Vices ,Vasanas, Flaws, Dejection, Splendor, Stride, forlorn>>>>>>>>>>..Abyss. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* Create Positive Attitude While Lord Rama & Lord Christ neutral with these Flaws. THEY likes i.e. Social Righteous Conduct & Act Spirituality. Scriptures, Sermons, Respect, Kindness,Forgiveness, Advaita (non duality), Wisdom, Compassion, Love, Coordination, Generous Discernment , Contentment, Help, One for All & All for One ,& positivity of consciousness of Lord. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* This is total & perfect principles of All Religion of UNIVERSE. On the surface, all criticize SELFISHNESS while remaining fully immersed in it.The lowest state of GREED is SWARTHA (SELFISHNESS). *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* On the surface, Everybody criticize SELFISHNESS in UNIVERSE, While remaining fully IMMERSED in it. SWARTHA (SELFISHNESS) is the GREEDY attachment to accumulating means of COMFORT and HAPPINESS for the body. A selfish person only thinks about his selfish needs. A thief or some one who picks pocket will never think of the difficulties of the other person. He wants, somehow or the other, to snatch some one-else property. Generally, selfish people live like GENTLEMAN in the society & so on and employ TRICKS to consume other peoples property. These type of person living in every family in universe. A selfish person will not HESITATE to inflict a loss of a hundred rupees from another for the sake of getting ONE RUPEE. SELFISHNESS is like a RIVER that may FLOOD in any Season. It is like a well that is never filled. It is a hunger that is never satisfied. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* The Cause of Fear is the Ignorance (Agyan, Ajnan, Illusion) of the Individual. It is the Direction of the FLOW of the SOCIAL, RELIGIOUS & SPIRITUAL ENERGY which is DECIDER of the HUMAN, HUMAN BEHAVIOUR & HUMAN HAPPINESS. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* The Cause of Fear is the Ignorance of the Individual. It is through Ignorance that he sees the world. Either he dashes toward the world ,or he is Frightened. All this is the Minds Imagination.When the Mind becomes silent,Imagination is also silenced, and then attachment for, and fear of this world disappear. The mind is the Casual Force,both in bondage and Moksha (Liberation). Burdens, resolves, thoughts- they all reside only in the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche). It is simply question of when the Mind becomes free of Imagination, the Soul is already free to begin with. Divine Nature of Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) as well as DIVINE NATURE (Universe) The Guru Tattwa & Prarabdha is the subtle awareness of inner experiences in a pilgrimage to the TIMELESS Omniscience of COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. It is a Purified Meditative Universe of mind & Chitta to transform our Subtle Environment into Poise & Serenity : The control of the senses is necessary for control of mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche). It is called Sadhan Karma (actions) and Worldly Conduct WAY of Precious Life. Attainment of Yoga & Meditation (unioin with the Supreme Spirit) is extremely difficult so long as Karma (action) and Way of Life is not ALIGNED. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* The SENSE of REVENGE is the Tendency of a WRETCH. It makes a man blind.It Forces him to walk the path of EVIL,and by destroying the Feeling of LOVE increases,attachment and Aversion in the Heart & MIND. A person who Burns in the Fire of REVENGE cannot sleep Peacefully at Night. The Heart & Mind ,unable to concentrate on any type of work,worldly ,Socially, Religiously, Spiritually. & so forth. A living being who has FALLEN into the Fire of Revenge is setting the stage to Burn in this Fire of Lifetimes. RIGHTEOUS CONDUCT & ACT for welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* *ॐ~श्री*~ॐ~श्री*~ॐ~श्री*ॐश्री*श्री*ॐश्री*~ॐॐश्री*~ॐश्री*~ॐॐश्री*~ॐॐश्री*~ॐ It is the Direction of the FLOW of the SOCIAL, RELIGIOUS & SPIRITUAL ENERGY which is DECIDER of the HUMAN & HUMAN BEHAVIOUR. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* ॐWhat is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & PEACE? ॐ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Realize Reality. {Total Cosmic Force} What is the Sacred Universal Principle? To do no Evils in action(Karma), Mind & Thoughts. What is the Reality? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Selflessness every Moment. The Heart & Mind inquired of the SOUL: What is the Beginning of this Subtle Bushiness ? What its end, and what its fruits ? The Soul answered: The begging of it is The Annihilation of Self, Its end Faithfulness, And its Fruit Immortality. The Heart & Mind asked: What is Annihilation ? What is Faithfulness ? What is Immorality ? The SOUL ANSWERED: FREEDOM from SELF is ANNIHILATION; FAITHFULNESS is FULFILMENT of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE; IMMORTALITY is UNION of IMMORTAL with *MORAL* *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* GURU TATTWA, EINSTEINJI, NIKOLA TESLA, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA facebook/pages/Kaushal-Bansal/183270601722361 Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. Only One God ONE FOE ALL & ALL for ONE i.e. *{Holy Human}* GURU TATTWA, MOTHER TERESAJI, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 06:08:32 +0000

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