*ॐ* NAMO ~*ॐ* NAMO ~*ॐ*NAMO ~*ॐ*~NAMO* ॐ*NAMO ॐ *NAMO - TopicsExpress


*ॐ* NAMO ~*ॐ* NAMO ~*ॐ*NAMO ~*ॐ*~NAMO* ॐ*NAMO ॐ *NAMO *ॐ ॐ*NAMO ॐ *NAMO *ॐ HOW THE SUBTLE SOUNDS OF MANTRAS through HINDUSTANI VOCAL Music HELP TO NATURALLY HEAL the Nature as well as our Body, Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) for Ever ?. The Contact of the Good Saint & Sage can change the Character of a Human: This is Natural Law. The World is not Devoid of Divine Sages & Saints having Genuine Occult Powers who could know everything in every ONES mind & Chitta (mind stuff) and can also see the Past, Present & Future. A BAD Human can get converted into the Good Human when HE Comes in contact with Saintly Magnates. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body, mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Surrounding. In Prayer, Japa, Sadhan, Yoga or Meditation , Subtle Sound is used to vitalize the body, mind & chitta & surrounding. The Mystic Syllable *OM* * ॐ* (the Pranava) & the Divine BIJA Mantra, viz. AEIM, HRIM, SHRIM, KLIM, HLIM, HRAM, HRUM, HRAUM, & HRAH & so forth are of GREAT IMPORTANCE. The Frequency, Vibration & Energy & clear repetition of these Particular sound used by Countless Yogis for thousands of years have NATURAL HEALING VALUE. ऊँOM, अ (A)- ब्रह्मा, उ(U)- विष्णु, म्‌ (M)-महेश .(GOD=G=GENERATOR, O= OPERATOR, D=DESTROYER =GOD) ऐं(AEIM) E=Swarswati, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs. Lord Swarswati destroy our griefs i.e. Aghyan(Darkness of Knowledge). ह्रीं (Hrim) ह H=Shiv, R रं=Nature,i=Maya, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs. श्रीं (Shrim),श S= Lakhmi,R=Prosperity, I=Satisfaction, Anuswar= Destroyer of griefs. क्लीं (Klim), क K=Krishna, L=Lord Indra, I= Satisfaction, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs i.e. Lust particular. हिलीम्‌ (Hlim), ह H=Shiva, L=Baglamukhimi& Nature I=Satisfaction, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs i.e.All Vasana (Propensity), Vices, Attachment, Ego & so forth. *~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~* * OM, ॐ is the BIJA (seed) - which is pronounces as O - O- O, M - M- M vibrates through the whole body. * H is the BIJA (Seed) Mantras proceed from Heart , makes the heart beat more Vigorous & helps in the Purification of the BLOOD. * R sound in the Mantras is considered to be almost as important as OM. When R uttered, the tip of the TONGUE strikes the Front palate & Vibrates the Brain & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche). * M sound at the end of the mantras helps to purify the BLOOD when the BREATH is INHALED & EXHALED through the NOSE. Besides , by MANTRAS with LONG M sound , the NOSE & windpipe are kept Naturally HEALTHY. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* ॐ~श्री*श्री*~ॐश्रीश्री*श्री*~ॐश्री*~श्री*~ॐ~*श्री*ॐश्री*~श्री*~ॐ\ THE True, Pure, Subjective, Real, Perfect, Absolute & Supreme Jnana, Vidya, Knowledge OF Mantra. MANTRA is related to philology (BHASGA VIGYAN);and it has three limbs.Varna means the basic alphabet.By joining letters words are formed. By combining words a MANTRA is formed.Some mantras are called BEEJA mantras or SEED mantras.In a BEEJA mantras each letter is a MANTRA. In other words,it each seed ,or letter,a word and a MANTRA are included. A sadhan of Japa is pathway to go from lower to a higher level,or to go inward (within) from outward. In other words, this is the path from MATERIALISM to Social Conduct, Religious Conduct & SPIRITUALITY ,starting with language, which is a part of this world and also part of physically-expressed speech. The purification of letters,words and mantras inspire purification of chitta (mind -stuff,psyche),meaning and sentiments in the mantra strike the mind and enthuse in to awaken.Some aspirants starts to have SPONTANEOUS Pranayaam by doing japa,which is a sign of AWAKENINGS. The Divine Power of OMaction in universe that works under the power of Shiva- Parvati (Lord Being,Divine Power) - Om, Aa -Brahma, U - Vishnu, M - Mahesh. GOD: (Lord -Being,God) G-Generator, O-Operator, D-Destroyer.(GOD) - Shiva(Lord) as Brahma, when the act of creation ... His Kriyashkti -Mahasaraswati When you make the task of operation their Kriyashkti -Mahalakshmi When his Kriyashkti acts of destruction -Mahakali Serve as the Mahamrityunjaya his Kriyashkti - Baglamukhi Shiva & Shakti(God) the Annatta(infinite), all automatic actions (creation, execution, destroy, etc.) engaged in the Parmeshwari or Power is Parvati. ऊँOM, अ (A)-ब्रह्मा, उ(U)-विष्णु, म्‌(M)-महेश . ऐं(AEIM) E=Swarswati,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs.Lord Swarswati destroy our griefs i.e. Aghyan(Darkness of Knowledge). ह्रीं (Hrim) ह H=Shiv,Rरं=Nature,i=Maya, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs. श्रीं (Shrim), श S=Lakhmi,R=Prosperity, I=Satisfaction,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs. क्लीं (Klim), क K= Krishna , L= Lord Indra, I=Satisfaction, ,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs i.e. Lust particular. हिलीम्‌ (Hlim),ह H=Shiva,L=Baglamukhimi & Nature I=Satisfaction, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs i.e. All Vasana(Propensity), Vices,Attachment,Ego & so forth. Therefore, by uttering each of the Syllables in the BIJA MANTRAS , the HEART, BRAIN, MIND , CHITTA,, WINDPIPE are all MADE VIGOROUS. To Pray and Chant daily and to practice our own Mantra with Faith, Emotion & Feeling to the best of Life fulfillment for welfare of Living & Non living.. For this everybody should be chant the Mantra given by Sadaguru Swami Shivom Thirthji Maharaj and Maa Bagulamukhi at the fix time 7.00 - 7.15 A.M. daily in the Homes, Temples (all types), Churchs (all types), Bodha-Chaityalayas (all types), All Holy Places (all types), Gurudwaras (all types) and all the Holly Places according to their own emotion & worship as well in HOME. To manifest the Homologous Divine Power of Lord to Over Come *THE GLOBAL WARMING in every Sphere of Life i.e. Welfare of Living & Non Living. 1.“OM AEIM HRIM SHRIM KLIM HLIM OM JIVA-NIRJIVA (LIVING & NON LIVING) KALAYANKARI PARAM MAA PARMESHWARI NAMO NAMHA” 1. ऊँ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं हिलीम्‌ ऊँ जीव-निर्जीव कल्याणकारी परम्‌-माँ परमेश्वरी नमो नमः ॥ *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* 2.Om Aeim Hrim Shrim klim Hlim Om Shiv Shakti Bhyam Namoha Namaha. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* 3.“OM AIEM HRIM SHRIM KLIM HLIM OM SARVA DEO-DEVI SARUPAYE SHRI ALLHAYE, OM GAUTAM BUDDHAYE, OM MAHAVIRAYE, OM WAHE GURU, OM SAI, OM PRABHU ISHU, OM BRAHMA- VISHNU-SHIV-SHAKTI BHYAM NAMO NAMHA.” *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* 4.“OM AIEM HRIM SHRIM KLIM HLIM OM MANI PADME HUM or HOOM. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* What For? Soial, Religious or Spiritual? do you want to pass Time or wants to some Jnana, Vidya , Knowledge?Please 5. When you take your Sattvic Food Chant this Mantra 9 Time & then consume your Diet. “OM AIEM HRIM SHRIM KLIM HLIM OM SARVA DEO-DEVI SARUPAYE SHRI ANNAPURANAYE Namoha Namaha. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* 6. When you taking any Medicine Chant this Mantra 9 time. “OM AIEM HRIM SHRIM KLIM HLIM OM SARVA DEO-DEVI SARUPAYE SHRI ACHHUTAY Namaha, ANNANTAYE Namaha GOVINDAYE Namoha Namaha. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Self- Introspection must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL , RELIGIOUS, SPIRITUAL CONDUCTIVITY. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Be established within the self and burn down our defects through Social Conductivity, Religious & Spiritual CONDUCTIVITY. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* The Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH, under this SKY, breathing the same air of UNIVERSE. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Elimination of ILLUSION & Misconception is the GOAL of Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality i.e. Guru Tattwa,Prarabdha. Self- Introspection must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY,SPIRITUALITY. All are ONE & ONE is All.{ Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita (Non-Duality), Within} i.e. Holy Human. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* GURU TATTWA, EINSTEINJI, NIKOLA TESLA, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA facebook/pages/Kaushal-Bansal/183270601722361 Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. Only One God i.e. *{Holy Human}* GURU TATTWA,EINSTEINJI, MOTHER TERESSAJI, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 07:28:58 +0000

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