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*ॐ ॐॐॐॐॐ*ॐॐॐॐॐॐ*ॐॐॐॐॐॐ The Divine Baby massage has a long ancient Tradition in India, in making the child strong, bodily, Mentaly Healthy & Intelligence increases the Immune power and happy. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* The Baby massage has a long ancient Tradition in India. Just after birth, a cleansing massage is done with a soft wheat-dough ball, to which a little almond oil or Mustard Oil (must be natural without GMO ) and a dash of turmeric is added. Just before rubbing the ball is dipped in a bit of almond oil or Mustard Oil. This practice is continued for the first six days after birth, before the bath. Ayurvedic baby massage enhances circulation, helps in the expulsion of toxins and aids the digestive system of the baby. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* On the seventh day after birth, actual baby massage with the dough ball starts and this goes on every day for 3 weeks. The dough ball should be dipped in oil every now and then, which helps to keep the 3 doshas in proper balance. Massage with the hands begins when the infant is one month old, when the babys body has become strong enough. The baby massage is continued every day for 3 months, during which the most time is spend in massaging spine, back, neck, waist, hands and feet, because these parts need to gain strength to support the body. Once the baby starts lifting its head on its own and supporting its body weight on its arms, more general daily body massage should continue for 18 months. The massage of the spine nevertheless remains an important aspect of infant massage. After this time, baby massage can be given on alternate days, though a daily massage routine will aid in making the child strong bodily, Mentally, Intelligent , increases the immune power and happy. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Birth of a newborn is an exciting scenario for parents! After the birth, baby massage becomes a priority. Baby massage is a childcare practice, which has been started by our ancestors. Massaging the baby regularly makes the bones stronger. Research shows that baby massage is extremely important for each and every child; as also helps the child to grow and become healthy. Baby massage is a practice followed by us since ages. Massage is an integral part in the life of newborn babies. One can start massaging the baby only after they are capable of handling them. In the initial stage one should start with small sessions and later when the baby gets use to it they can increase the time of these body massage sessions. Baby massage is useful for the overall development of premature babies. Baby massage is of great help; it indeed makes the baby very active, alert and healthy. Baby massage has its own set of advantages. It builds a stronger bond between parent and child. Baby massage not only gives the baby love and security; but it also helps the parent to be familiar with babys visual signs and actions. Baby massage relaxes the baby and helps them to get a good, sound sleep. The Massaging the baby improves the digestive system and helps them to pass gas. A good oil massage helps them to be more flexible and even increases the blood circulation. How to Massage Your Baby Baby massage has its own benefits and is very easy to perform. One may experience the baby gaining weight, becoming healthy and increased growth because of massage. Here are a few tips to give a good massage to your baby. Remove the accessories, before you start massaging the baby. Baby skin is very soft and delicate; hence the bracelets and finger rings might hurt the child. Also cut your nails as long nails may be harmful for the baby. Well one should start the massage by rubbing the oil on the babys body. But before doing that one should keep all the necessary things ready like baby massage oil, tissues, towel, diapers and fresh clothes. One can use vegetable oil, almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil or any other good baby oil available in market for massaging the baby. You should consult your doctor to find which oil will suit the needs of your little wonder. Place a carpet on the surface where you will be massaging the baby. On the carpet spread a towel which is soft and furry, so that the baby feels comfortable. Remove the clothes of baby and put him on the carpet with his face-up. Now start the massage by applying the baby massage oil. Do not forget to warm this oil, as applying warm oil is of great help in the whole process of massaging. Make sure that the oil is not too warm. Take little-little oil in hands and apply it on babys body. Like if you are starting the massage from hands, then apply oil on that hand, then massage that area and then go to the next body part Give smooth and gentle strokes. But at the same time, the strokes must be firm and do it with the help of your palm and fingers or may be with your thumb most of the time. The strokes must be soft and light; especially when the movements are on the chest and the stomach. The movement on the chest and stomach should be circular. When we are massaging arms and legs, then there should be . While massaging the back and the rest of the babys body, and then there should be upward movement. You should always take care and not put much pressure on babys body; especially the spine area and the neck area. The neck area is very delicate and can easily get hurt. Maintain eye contact with the baby and sing songs or lullaby for the infant. Basically keep him engaged with you and at the same time make him enjoy the massage. Initially, the baby might cry when you are massaging him, make sure that later he enjoys the massage. Do not stop the massage suddenly. Slowly and steadily stop the massage. If stopped suddenly then the child might get scared and start crying. After the massage is done then make him take a bath with warm water. One should take towel, dip it in warm water and then make baby take a sponge bath. After the bath, one should clean the baby with dry towel and then put powder around his body. After that one should put diaper and then make him wear his clothes. Cuddle him for sometime and let him go to sleep. Do not wake up the child specially for doing massaging. Do not do baby feeding after or before the massage, or when the baby is not well. Do not massage the baby at the places where they have got injections or vaccines as it might hurt them. Thus, doing the massage appropriately and with proper steps is extremely important. One should always follow the correct steps while doing baby massage. Baby massage helps to improve the immune system and also helps to improve the skin colour of the baby. Baby massage is extremely important and you can continue it till the time the baby is three to four years old. This is because; there are a lot of benefits of baby massage. Research has proved that baby massage is beneficial when you do it on a regular basis. Hence, baby massage should be a part of daily activity for baby. Choosing the perfect massage oil (must be naturalnot G.M.O.oil) is very important for your babys comfort Keeping your babys skin moist is very important. During the first couple of months after the baby is born, regular oil massages and bathing are crucial. Usually, a masseur for babies is assigned the task in Indian households. However, giving gentle oil massage and bathing ones own baby lets a mother get closer to the baby and it feels great. The satisfaction is intangible. Self- Introspection must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL , RELIGIOUS, SPIRITUAL CONDUCTIVITY. Be established within the self and burn down our defects through Social , Religious & Spiritual CONDUCTIVITY. The Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY, breathing the same air of UNIVERSE. Elimination of ILLUSION & Misconception is the GOAL of Social, Religious & Spiritual CONDUCTIVITY i.e. Guru Tattwa,Prarabdha. ONE for ALL & ALL for ONE.{ Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita (Non-Duality),Within} i.e. Holy Human. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* GURU TATTWA, EINSTEIN, NIKOLA TESLA, GANDHI, POETYCA, PRARABDHA, https://youtube/watch?v=82IHmq_Ym1M 2 youtube/watch?v=82IHmq_Ym1Mfacebook/pages/Kaushal-Bansal/183270601722361 Consciousness of universal Frds. for Love & Peace within with{Self -Realized} non-duality(Advaita),i.e. Only One God i.e. *{Holy Human}* GURU TATTWA, EINSTEIN, NIKOLA TESLA, GANDHI,POETYCA, PRARABDHA
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 07:15:46 +0000

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