ചിലിയൻ കാടുകൾ - TopicsExpress


ചിലിയൻ കാടുകൾ അറിയാത്തവർക്കൊന്നും ഈ ഭൂമിയേയും അറിയാനാകില്ല. ഞാൻ ആ മണ്ണിൽ നിന്നുമാണു വരുന്നത്, ആ ചെളിയിൽ നിന്ന്, ആ നിശ്ശബ്ദതയിൽ നിന്ന്, പാട്ട് പാടിക്കൊണ്ട് ഈ ഉലകം മുഴുവൻ അലയാൻ. Love in the wheat I lay stretched out on my back for a long while, with my eyes open, my face and arms covered with straw. The night was clear, cold, and penetrating. There was no moon, but the stars looked as if they had recently been watered by the rain and, high above the unseeing sleep of all the others, they twinkled in the skys lap just for me. Then I fell asleep. But I woke up suddenly, because something was coming toward me, a strangers body was moving through the straw and coming closer to mine. I was afraid. The thing was slowly drawing closer. I could hear the wisps of straw snapping, crushed by the unknown shape that kept moving toward me. My whole body stiffened, waiting. Maybe I ought to get up and yell. I remained stock-stili. I could hear breathing right next to my head. Suddenly a hand slid over me, a large, calloused hand, but it was a womans. It ran over my brow, my eyes, my whole face, tenderly. Then an avid mouth clung to mine and I felt a womans body pressing against mine, all the way down to my feet. Little by little my fear turned into intense pleasure. My hand slid over braided hair, a smooth brow, eyes with closed lids soft as poppies, and went on exploring. I felt two breasts that were full and finn, broad, rounded buttocks, legs that locked around me, and I sank my fingers into pubic hair like mountain moss. Not a word came from that anonymous mouth. How difficult it is to make love, without making noise, in a mountain of straw burrowed by the bodies of seven or eight other men, sleeping men who must not be awakened for anything in the world. And yet we can do anything, though it may require infinite care. A little while later, the stranger suddenly fell asleep next to me, and worked into a fever by the situation, I started to get panicky. It would soon be daybreak, I thought, and the first workers would discover the naked woman stretched out beside me on the threshing floor. But I also fell asleep. When I woke up, I put out a startled hand and found only a warm hollow, a warm absence. Soon a bird began to sing and then the whole forest filled with warbling. There was a long blast from a motor hom, and men and women began moving about and turning to their chores. A new day of threshing was getting underway.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 20:37:02 +0000

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