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(`*•.¸(`*•.¸♥ ¸.•*´)¸.•*´) > ღ PLEASE SAVE THIS SWEETHEART NOW !!! ღ < ~☆•*¨*• ❤ ❤•*¨*•☆~► ►★ PLEASE HURRY ★◄ ◄ 7 year old Butch, the GSD, has not had an easy time these last two weeks. Found wandering by a good Samaritan, Butch hopped into the person’s car so they could go to vet to have him scanned. On the trip, Butch, being the good GSD he is, wanted to hang out the window and then figured he’d play with the hand that reached over. One playful nip and Butch ends up sitting in a cage at Brooklyn ACC on DOH hold. Now a dog on this kind of hold can only be walked by staff, sits in a cramped cage 24 x7 and has almost no interaction with anyone. So Butch stuck it out and when his hold was lifted, he got taken in a strange room with a strange person for his behavioral eval. He actually did pretty well though he sort of froze when that big hand came in to take his food & he rushed the strange dog coming into the room no knowing what that dog’s intentions are. So, are the GSD folks out there shaking their heads yet? Keep a GSD cooped up in a cage for 15 days, then let him loose and see how he acts! So Butch is now New Hope only, meaning he can only be pulled by a rescue. And they’ve put him on tomorrow’s euthanasia list. Tonight, Butch needs an experienced GSD person who understands exactly what Butch is thinking and feeling and recognizes the panic and frustration he feels after being cooped up so long. He needs someone who will give Butch a real chance to decompress and to become the playful, happy boy that shone through on the tag part of his behavioral eval. Are you that person? If you are, start applying to rescues to foster or adopt Butch. But do it now — Butch will be happy to be taken out of that cage but he’ll then be gone forever. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=658208110858738&set=a.611290788883804.1073741851.152876678058553&type=3&theater
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 09:48:51 +0000

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