~ ἆ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _/ Life ~ Random or a Divine Ĝift ? \_ ~ ~ ~ ~ - TopicsExpress


~ ἆ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _/ Life ~ Random or a Divine Ĝift ? \_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ᾮ ~ . ~* Ʈђose that believe that life was not created deliberately and purposefully often do so ONLY because of their non belief in Ĝod ( understandably of course - and contemporary atheism is largely due to the perversion of the man made religions and the inherent indoctrination ), leaving randomness as the only option open to them! Their belief is ( without even looking at it deeply ) that it came into existence from a, realistically, dormant nothing! It came about from a genetic accident resulting from ‘ perfect ’ conditions that just occurred randomly which then created a genetic mutation - We have life! BUT how can a genetic accident happen from nonexistent genetics in the first place ? Not only that but many believe that we are it ~ The only life in what they know as the universe. Which they themselves could not fail to agree is incomprehensible in size. However it must be said that global mind control, which includes state education, deliberately miseducates to dispel Divine Creation of initial life and support life from nothing and then teaches us that evolution included humanity evolving from apes which in turn evolved from nothing as stated above. This is done deliberately to move the masses further away from Ĝod and instigated by the dark ones that control our planet by controlling the majority of global governments and therefore education. . ~* Ŷou would expect State education to be reliable and above all trustworthy and accurate by fundamentally teaching the realities and plausability of initial random life formation which I cover in depth here ~ Sadly this is far from the truth as the masses are now coming to terms with BUT ONLY through self realization as our minds awaken and through the freedom of social media where the individual can link to like minded groups globally ~ Facebook was implemented to enable low cost global spying by the CIA on the masses, WE now have used this against them, we have linked up and they can interfere as much as they want, but they shall NEVER win. The masses are led away and distracted from even questioning state education because your government has indoctrinated you into accepting their intricate propaganda concerning evolution of life ~ but now the awakening and enlightenment of the masses are raising serious questions. Now we understand the governments are here to mind control everyone to the overall global agenda of the dark ones. They know that we know and the love within our hearts shall defeat them all ~ . ~* Õf course evolution takes place this is logical, common sense and built within the DNA of a species ~ But this does not mean that Man evolved from apes without intelligent design for there is a science involved even in all divine activities. Apes are and always have been a separate species from Man although they appear closely related ( There is much depth involved here which is fully covered in my writing ‘ Origin of the Human Race ~ The Truth ’). Evolution of a particular species to advance itself is more than plausible, expected and firmly established ~ BUT the changing of one species into another is not the reality of ‘natural’ unaided evolution ~ . ~* Let us look deeply at the forced notion that completely by chance life was formed by some kind of genetic mutation from nothing but atoms ! ( Now how did the atoms get there ? Another chance event ? The Big Bang ? Even a ‘big bang’ to create all matter needed something Divine to be possible. Nothing can only produce nothing ). Let us consider this life formed by ‘ accident ‘, as we are asked to believe happened, with no current existence of DNA ( which is the main component of chromosomes that stores genetic information ). Well hang on a minute ~ Let’s look further at how this life was supposedly formed again: . ~* DNA could not have existed prior to this forming of life by chance ( for the chromosomes with the DNA within are the blueprints of life ), life came about ‘randomly’ from an accident resulting from ‘ perfect ’ conditions that just occurred randomly ! . ~* ŴOW! Can life be formed from a genetic mutation before there are any genetics that can mutate? I think not. So does that mean chromosomes ( that hold the DNA ) were randomly formed first and that led to life ? But DNA, chromosomes and genetics are so infinitely complex and intricate that science simply CANNOT explain how they came into being or how they fully operate and form a species of life ~ With today’s advances in science if life was indeed a freak occurrence then if it would be able to be replicated with no problems. Common sense must prevail and when the theory of randomly produced genetics producing the complexity of life falls down the only answer left is intelligent design. . ~* Ʈђis needs to be looked at in depth. Not only is it frankly unbelievable to conclude ( taking into account the evidence against random formation of life, be it circumstantial or otherwise ) that just ONE species of life could form randomly BUT, hang on, there are millions of different species of life sentient and non sentient on our planet ? So using the theory of randomness, EACH INDIVIDUAL SPECIES MUST BE the result of its own genetic random occurrence! Making randomness even more implausible, if not impossible, to the mind of pure common sense. I cannot see how anybody could actually accept this taking into account the amount of different species and categories of life that there are ( fishes, mammals, birds etc... ). Yet each separate species of sentient life has an internal make up consisting of many systems including a respiratory system, a digestive system, often a skeletal structure, and an outer covering, a skin. Some life breathes air direct and others have to extract the air from water to survive – Wow that is awesome isn’t it ? But random ? A sequence of circumstances brought together randomly in an impossible to replicate or explain method to produce not one species of life but millions ? Can you really buy into that ? . ~* Ʈђis is not randomness but intelligent design ~ . ~* Let us consider further that If life was a random creation, an accident or mutation of atoms that actually hold no genetics within from the outset, then life cannot be a genetic mutation or genetic accident, for to start you must have genetics in existence. You can only mutate what exists ( The terms such as ‘mutation’ and ‘accident’ have been used by scientists in trying to explain creation). Let us look at what to expect if by chance one species of life could randomly emerge. Firstly can you imagine it being an orderly beautiful creation of life in any way whatsoever ? This is randomness remember. Those of you who have seen the movie ‘The Thing’ will recall the dog that was used as a host for that malevolent alien creature. The dog became a writhing mass of twisted flesh and bone, a disgusting abhorrent mutation. THAT IS WHAT RANDOMNESS WOULD PRODUCE AT BEST ! Not an orderly well defined set of internal life systems put together to form a life form of beauty and operational perfection. . ~* Ʈake a look out at the garden in the morning at the birds that come to feed and drink for there is nothing more beautiful. Watch their perfection and beauty. Each species of bird in their uniqueness. Male and female of each species often completely different in colourings and markings. These birds have been created to specifically move around effortlessly in the invisibility of air. Defying gravity with their Divinely Formed wings and muscles to enable the power of flight. How wonderful, complex and entirely unimaginable as to how this is possible by chance. RANDOM ? No way, Divine Creation is the only plausible answer when all factors are taken into consideration as outlined above. . ~> Î would like to offer a further demonstration of Divine Power : > . ~* Ŝcience can explain what an atom is and that when atoms of particular elements come together then molecules are formed which form a particular substance. A simple example is when the elements of hydrogen come together with oxygen, water is formed. Isn’t that awesome? A highly flammable and dangerous gas together with another gas of oxygen ( which of course would act as a catalyst for combustion of the hydrogen ) forming into a liquid which is water ( which when poured onto a naked flame would extinguish that flame ! ). Now wouldn’t you expect it actually to burst into flames ? Such is the Power of Divinity in creation. The scientist could not explain this away and certainly cannot explain the invisible intricate power which brings different atoms together in a particular configuration to make every material known to man and not known to man. Yet some other elements such as caesium and potassium when thrown into water will burst into flames ! The scientist will explain by telling you it forms a chemical reaction but ask him to explain how, ask him to explain how atoms are brought together to form molecules and therefore different substances, ask him to explain how to replicate life for surely it must be possible with laboratory conditions. Well replicating of life has been scientifically attempted and failed. What you cannot replicate is the wonder that actually creates life, the spark of life. Likewise the Divinity that brings together the atoms and molecules to form substances so intricately and inexplicably that it cannot be ‘reverse engineered’ as it were, for the Divine Spark of Life is just that ~ It is not for man to mess with genetics and produce life, for life is a Gift from the Divine ~ Therefore genuine replication is not possible it’s as simple as that. , . ~ Ȋ ᾎM >> . ~ WE ARE ONE >> . ~ ἆ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_/ Ʈђe Divine is within All \_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ᾮ ~ ~ ἆ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_/ Embrace it with all of your Heart \_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ᾮ ~ . ~ ἆ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_/ Ȋ ᾎM ἆlphḁ ḁnd ᾮmeģḁ \_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ᾮ ~ ~ ƑḸ _/ Ʈђe Ƒirst ḁnd ṱђe Lḁst ~ Ʈђe Beģinninģ ḁnd ṱђe Ẽnd \_ BẼ ~ ~
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 00:46:41 +0000

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