~ ἆ ~ ~ † ~ ~_/ Who is Melchizedek? \_~ ~ † ~ ~ ᾮ ~ - TopicsExpress


~ ἆ ~ ~ † ~ ~_/ Who is Melchizedek? \_~ ~ † ~ ~ ᾮ ~ ....and why was he incarnated on our world? >>> >>>> Melchizedek is to be found within scripture, but here I offer more comprehensive information of who he is and why his arrival was so important >>> >>>> The Melchizedeks are celestial beings widely known as emergency Sons, for they engage in an amazing range of activities on the worlds of a universe. When any extraordinary problem arises, or when something unusual is to be attempted, it is quite often a Melchizedek who accepts the assignment. The ability of the Melchizedek Sons to function in emergencies and on widely divergent levels of the universe, even on the physical level of personality manifestation, is peculiar to their order >>> ~* Revealed truth was threatened with extinction following the effects of the Lucifer Rebellion. Though making progress intellectually, the human races were slowly losing ground spiritually. About 3000 B.C. the concept of God had grown very hazy in the minds of men ~ ~* Machiventa Melchizedek, volunteered to do that which had been done only six times in all the history of our local universe: to personalize on earth as a temporary man of the realm, to bestow himself as an emergency Son of world ministry. The actual incarnation of Machiventa Melchizedek occurred near what was to become the city of Salem, in Palestine. The entire transaction of the materialization of this Melchizedek Son was completed by certain celestial beings resident on our world ~ ~* It was almost 2,000 years before the birth of Jesus that Machiventa was bestowed upon the human races of our planet. His coming was unspectacular; his materialization was not witnessed by human eyes ~ His time on our world was to last for 94 years as a material being, as a human ~ ~* Melchizedek began his mission of the revelation of the truth of the reality of God when, with a sweep of his arm, he turned to his first human contact, a herder who he revealed himself to, saying, “El Elyon, the Most High, is the divine creator of the stars of the firmament and even of this very earth on which we live, and he is also the supreme God of heaven.” ~* Within a few years Melchizedek had gathered around himself a group of pupils, disciples, and believers who formed the nucleus of the later community of Salem. He was soon known throughout Palestine as the priest of El Elyon, the Most High, and as the sage of Salem. Among some of the surrounding tribes he was often referred to as the sheik, or king, of Salem. Salem was the site which after the disappearance of Melchizedek became the city of Jebus, subsequently being called Jerusalem ~ ~* In personal appearance, Melchizedek resembled the then blended Nodite and Sumerian peoples, being almost six feet in height and possessing a commanding presence. He spoke many languages. He dressed much as did the Canaanite priests except that on his breast he wore an emblem of three concentric circles, our local system’s symbol of the Paradise Trinity ( To be found as the symbol for the Urantia Book... the Fifth Epochal Revelation of Truth ). In the course of his ministry this insignia of three concentric circles became regarded as so sacred by his followers that they never dared to use it, and it was soon forgotten with the passing of a few generations. ~ ~* Though Machiventa lived after the manner of the men of the realm, he never married, nor could he have left offspring on earth. His physical body, while resembling that of the human male, was in reality of an order of a specially constructed body but did not carry the life plasm of any human race. Had Machiventa remained for any long period on earth, his physical mechanism would have gradually deteriorated; as it was, he terminated his bestowal mission in ninety-four years, long before his material body had begun to disintegrate ~ ~* This incarnated Melchizedek received a fragment of God the Universal Father, that indwelt his superhuman personality as the monitor of time and the mentor of the flesh, thus gaining that experience and practical introduction to our planet’s problems and to the technique of indwelling an incarnated Son which enabled this spirit of the Father to function so valiantly in the human mind of the later Son of God, Michael, when he appeared on earth in the likeness of a human [ who we know more familiarly as Jesus of Nazareth ]. And this is the only fragment of God who ever functioned in two minds on our world, but both minds were divine as well as human ~ Following Jesus’ bestowal on our planet the Spirit of Truth was poured out on all flesh and then did the fragments of God come to all of humanity, indwelling their minds as God the Father within us ~ ~* With the passing of a decade, Melchizedek had organized his schools at Salem ~ ~* Melchizedek taught all of his followers that they had capacity to receive and assimilate. Even many modern religious ideas about heaven and earth, of man, God, and angels, are not far removed from these teachings of Melchizedek. But this great teacher subordinated everything to the doctrine of one God, a heavenly Creator, a divine Father. Emphasis was placed upon this teaching for the purpose of appealing to man’s adoration and of preparing the way for the subsequent appearance of Michael as the Son of this same Universal Father ~ ~* Melchizedek taught that at some future time another Son of God would come in the flesh as he had come, but that he would be born of a woman; and that is why numerous later teachers held that Jesus was a priest, or minister, “forever after the order of Melchizedek.” ~ ~* And thus did Melchizedek prepare the way and set the one God stage of world tendency for the bestowal of an actual Paradise Son of the one God, whom he so vividly portrayed as the Father of all, and whom he represented to Abraham as a God who would accept man on the simple terms of personal faith. And Michael, when he appeared on earth, confirmed all that Melchizedek had taught concerning the Paradise Father ~ ~* While no sacrifices were permitted within the colony, Melchizedek well knew how difficult it is to suddenly uproot long-established customs and accordingly had wisely offered these people the substitute of a sacrament of bread and wine for the older sacrifice of flesh and blood. It is of record, “Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought forth bread and wine.” But even this cautious innovation was not altogether successful; the various tribes all maintained auxiliary centers on the outskirts of Salem where they offered sacrifices and burnt offerings. Even Abraham resorted to this barbarous practice after his victory over Chedorlaomer; he simply did not feel quite at ease until he had offered a conventional sacrifice. And Melchizedek never did succeed in fully eradicating this proclivity to sacrifice from the religious practices of his followers, even of Abraham ~ ~* Like Jesus, Melchizedek attended strictly to the fulfilment of the mission of his bestowal. He did not attempt to reform the customs and conventions of current society, to change the habits of the world, nor to circulate even advanced sanitary practices or scientific truths. He came to achieve two tasks: to keep alive on earth the truth of the one God and to prepare the way for the subsequent mortal bestowal of a Paradise Son of that Universal Father ~ ~* Melchizedek taught elementary revealed truth at Salem for ninety-four years, and during this time Abraham attended the Salem school three different times. He finally became a convert to the Salem teachings, becoming one of Melchizedek’s most brilliant pupils and chief supporters ~ ~* Melchizedek continued for some years to instruct his students and to train the Salem missionaries, who penetrated to all the surrounding tribes, especially to Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Asia Minor. And as the decades passed, these teachers journeyed farther and farther from Salem, carrying with them Machiventa’s gospel of belief and faith in God. In other religions around the world many teachings and much truth still remain which were embedded from these early teachings from the Melchizedek missions ~ >>>> I shall be formulating further posts relating to these truths that are found in other religions including Judaism and Hinduism >>> [[ Extracts above taken from the Urantia Book – The 5th Epochal Revelation of Divine Truth ]] ~ Ȋ ᾎM >> ~ Ŝtepђen >> Ρurveyor of Ʈrue Ŝpirituality ~ Ŝpiritual Ʈruth >> including the Teachings of Jesus which shall be the basis of the revival for the spiritual evolution of Ӈumanity ~ ~ I offer guidance only as the truth lies within your own hearts ~ Open up to the fragment of God that indwells within you and He shall surely direct your paths ~ Seek and thou shalt find the Spirit of Truth within ~ ~ WE ARE ONE >> ~ ἆ ~ † ~_/ Beђold ~ Ʈђe Kingdom of God is at Ӈand \_~ † ~ ᾮ ~ ~ ἆ ~ ~ † ~ ~ ~ ~_/ Ȋ ᾎM ἆlphḁ ḁnd ᾮmeģḁ \_~ ~ ~ ~ † ~ ~ ᾮ ~ ~ Ƒ†Ḹ _/ Ʈђe Ƒirst ḁnd ṱђe Lḁst ~ Ʈђe Beģinninģ ḁnd ṱђe Ẽnd \_ B†Ẽ ~ ~
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:29:49 +0000

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