姜蒜密柠檬汁 Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, Garlic and Lemon - TopicsExpress


姜蒜密柠檬汁 Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, Garlic and Lemon Drink Heart Remedy Who should use this remedy? Who have diagnosed with heart disease. People age above 40 & have stressful life. Whose parents have history of Heart disease. Those person who can’t afford By-Pass Surgery. Those who want to avoid By-pass Surgery. Who can’t go for by-pass surgery because of other health issues. Also can be taken as prevention of repeated heart attack. Garlic: Miracle herb Garlic has been used since time immemorial as a medicine to prevent or treat various diseases and conditions..Heart Health properties of garlic is as follows. Blood thinning : The anti-clotting properties of ajoene found in garlic help in preventing the formation of blood clots in the body. Reduce blood pressure : Angiotensin II is a protein that helps our blood vessels contract thereby increasing the blood pressure. Allicin in garlic blocks the activity of angiotensin II and helps in reducing blood pressure. The polysulphides present in garlic are converted into a gas called hydrogen sulphide by the red blood cells. Hydrogen sulphide dilates our blood vessels and helps control blood pressure. Anti-Block : Garlic protects our heart against cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and atherosclerosis. This cardio-protective property can be attributed to various factors. With age, the arteries tend to lose their ability to stretch. Garlic may help reduce this and may also protect the heart from the damaging effects of free oxygen radicals. The sulphur-containing compounds of garlic also prevent our blood vessels from becoming blocked and slow the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The anti-clotting properties of ajoene help prevent clots from forming inside the blood vessels. Reduce cholesterol : Garlic has the ability to moderately lower our blood triglycerides and total cholesterol and reduce arterial plaque formation. Other properties : Antibacterial and Antiviral, To treat skin infections, Combat allergies, Remedy for respiratory problems, Garlic increases insulin release and regulates blood sugar levels in diabetics, Effective against warts and corns, Improve iron metabolism, Stir up passions, Reduce weight. Ginger : In various studies, ginger has been shown to be highly effective in preventing, and curing, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and a variety of other illnesses. For example, the blood clots that trigger heart attack dissolve when exposed to ginger. Ginger interferes with the long sequence of events necessary for blood clots to form. This helps to prevent clots that can lodge in narrowed coronary arteries and set off a heart attack. Something called thromboxane synthesis initiates clot formation. Ginger is a potent inhibitor of this process. Ginger also inhibits the clumping together of platelets in the blood. So ginger inhibits blood clots in at least two ways. In a study in Prostaglandins Medicine, ginger inhibited blood clots more effectively than onion or garlic. Ginger also increases the strength of the heart. Scientists call ginger a cardio tonic agent because of its ability to increase energy production in the heart and to enhance calcium pumping within heart cells that is required for optimal cardiac output. Other Benefits: Antispasmodic, Antifungal Anti-inflammatory Antiseptic Antibacterial, Antiviral, Analgesic, Circulatory Stimulant, Carminative, Expectorant, Hypotensive, increases blood flow, promotes Sweating, relaxes peripheral blood vessels. Lemon : lemon provide many heart-healthy benefits that can keep your heart operating as it should. Heart Beating Properly lemon can help regulate your heartbeat. Lemons contain the essential heart-healthy mineral known as magnesium. Your heart cannot function properly without this mineral: Lack of magnesium can result in irregular heartbeats, known as arrhythmia. Healthy and Proper Heart Functioning
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 02:19:13 +0000

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