恐怖童谣特别多: 莉兹·玻顿拿起斧头, - TopicsExpress


恐怖童谣特别多: 莉兹·玻顿拿起斧头,   砍了她爸爸四十下。   当她意识到她做了甚么,   她砍她妈妈四十一下。   Lizzie Borden took an axe,   Hit her father forty whacks.   When she saw what she had done,   She hit her mother forty-one.         我的妈妈杀了我,   我的爸爸在吃我,   我的兄弟和姊妹坐在餐桌底,   捡起我的骨头,   埋了它们,   埋到冰冷的石碑下。   My mother has killed me,   My father is eating me,   My brothers and sisters sit under the table,   Picking up my bones,   And they bury them,   under the cold marble stones.         Who Killed Cock Robin?   谁杀了知更鸟?   是我,麻雀说,   用我的弓和箭,   我杀了知更鸟。   Who killed Cock Robin?   I, said the Sparrow,     With my bow and arrow,     I killed Cock Robin.    谁看见他死去?   是我,苍蝇说,   用我的小眼睛,   我看见他死去。   Who saw him die?      I, said the Fly.     With my little eye,     I saw him die.   谁取走他的血?   是我,鱼说,   用我的小碟子,   我取走他的血。   Who caught his blood?     I, said the Fish,      With my little dish,     I caught his blood.   谁为他做寿衣?   是我,甲虫说,   用我的针和线,   我会来做寿衣。   Who'll make his shroud?     I, said the Beetle,   With my thread and needle,     I'll make the shroud.   谁来挖坟墓?   是我,猫头鹰说,   用我的凿子铲子,   我会来挖坟墓。   Who'll dig his grave?     I, said the Owl,     With my pick and shovel,     I'll dig his grave.   谁来当牧师?   乌鸦说,是我,   用我的小本子,   我会来做牧师。   Who'll be the person?     I, said the Rook,     With my little book,     I'll be the parson.    谁来当执事?   是我,云雀说,   只要不在夜晚,   我就会当执事。   Who'll be the clerk?     I, said the Lark,     If it's not in the dark,     I'll be the clerk.   谁来拿火炬?   红雀说,是我,   我立刻把它拿来。   我将会拿火炬。   Who'll carry the link?     I, said the Linnet,      I'll fetch it in a minute,     I'll carry the link.    谁来当主祭?   是我,鸽子说,   我要哀悼挚爱,   我将会当主祭。   Who'll be chief mourner?   I, said the Dove,    I mourn for my love,      I'll be chief mourner.    谁来抬棺?   是我,鸢说,   如果不走夜路,   我就会来抬棺。   Who'll carry the coffin?     I, said the Kite,     If it's not through the night,      I'll carry the coffin.   谁来扶棺?   是我们,鹪鹩说,   还有公鸡和母鸡,   我们会来扶棺。   Who'll bear the pall?      We, said the Wren,     Both the cock and the hen,     We'll bear the pall.   谁来唱赞美诗?   画眉说,是我,   她站在灌木丛上,   我将唱赞美诗。   Who'll sing a psalm?     I, said the Thrush,     As she sat on a bush,     I'll sing a psalm.   谁来敲丧钟?   是我,牛说,   因为我能拉牦。   Who'll toll the bell?     I, said the Bull,     Because I can pull,    所以,再会了,知更鸟。   空中所有的鸟,   全都叹息哭泣,   当他们听见丧钟,   为可怜的知更鸟响起。   So Cock Robin, farewell.     All the birds of the air      Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,     When they heard the bell toll     For poor Cock Robin.    启事   通告所有关系人,   这则启事通知,   下回鸟儿法庭,   将要审判麻雀。   NOTICE          To all it concerns,     This notice apprises,     The Sparrow's for trial,     At next bird assizes.         上面这个《谁杀死了知更鸟》这首恐怖童谣,爱看漫画的人可能都会比较熟悉,在由贵香织里《毒伯爵该隐》里面就曾用过这首童谣。   第一个则是一个真实故事改编的。然则,其实也不能算是真实,因为当事人被判无罪。   源于十九世纪轰动美国麻省的凶杀案。1892年8月4日中午,莉兹·玻顿叫唤她的邻居说,她的父亲被杀了,警察到来时,发现她的母亲也死了。母亲被斧子砍了18下,父亲被砍了10下。消息立即被传开了,媒体认为莉兹本人极有谋杀嫌疑。然而次年六月,法庭宣判莉兹无罪。此后,她的故事广为流传,被写成了小说,芭蕾,百老汇,歌剧。最后是日本的教科书将她的童谣作为鹅妈妈童话收录的。   另外一个觉得比较血腥的也是鹅妈妈童谣里收录的,实在是太怪异而残忍了。   When good King Arthur ruled this land,   He was a goodly king;   He stole three pecks of barley-meal   To make a bag-pudding.   当亚瑟王治理这片土地的时候   他是一位伟大的王   他偷了三袋麦片   为了做一个大布丁   A bag-pudding the king did make,   And stuffed it well with plums;   And in it put great lumps of fat,   As big as my two thumbs.   这个王做的布丁   放进许多葡萄干   还放进了一块大奶油   就像我的两个拇指那么大   The king and queen did eat thereof,   And noblemen beside;   And what they could not eat that night,   The queen next morning fried.   国王和皇后吃了布丁   身边的贵族们也吃了   那天晚上他们什么也没吃   第二天早上皇后被油煎了      然则,这个也被由贵在《毒伯爵该隐》里引用过。出自《少年的孵化之音》-《布丁小姐的悲剧》。   世上留传著许多关于亚瑟王的精彩故事,以及英勇的圆桌武士的传奇。 他大约是在一千五百年前统治英国,打了许多场胜仗。但历史上是否存在这位王还有待查证。这首关于亚瑟王的童谣揭示了古代王族中的残忍吧。   另外,还有比较知名的就是《玛丽有一只小羊》以及《伦敦铁桥倒下来》等童谣。
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 09:07:07 +0000

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