愛的瑜伽 1. - TopicsExpress


愛的瑜伽 1. 仁愛與真誠是所有聖人與宗教的基石。 2. 愛是靈魂的生命。 3. 能夠與人同樂,與人同悲的,才是真正的瑜伽士。 4. 真理的追尋者必須擁有信心、盼望、勇氣、離欲、自制、熱切渴求等素質。 5. 不要做一些令自己心靈感到羞愧的事情。 6. 那些問心無愧的、能合乎良知的行為,就是正義的。 7. 捨棄的意思是捨棄你的自我、自私與欲望,而不是捨棄生活而不顧。 8. 永恆不朽是與神或大梵合而為一。 9. 智慧的終結就是悟證了自我與至高者或大梵的本性齊一。 10. 大梵或永恆者就是這段旅程的終站。祂就是最高的目標。 The Yoga Of Love 1. Love and truth are the corner-stones of the teachings of saints and of every religion. 2. Love is indeed the life of the soul. 3. He who feels as his own, the joys and sorrows of others is a true Yogi. 4. A seeker of Truth must possess faith, hope, courage, dispassion and self-restraint and burning aspiration. 5. Do not perform any action which your own heart feels shame to do. 6. What your heart feels no shame to do, what satisfies your conscience, is indeed righteous action. 7. Renunciation is renunciation of the ego, of selfishness and desires; but not of life. 8. Immortality is union with God or Brahman. 9. The end of wisdom is to realise the identity of the individual soul and the Supreme Soul or Brahman. 10. Brahman or the Eternal is the end of the Journey. He is the Supreme Goal.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 09:29:14 +0000

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