新舊兩約連結 - 每日靈糧 九月五日 - TopicsExpress


新舊兩約連結 - 每日靈糧 九月五日 我愛你,我現在愛你! 何西阿書 11:1 以色列年幼的時候,我愛他,就從埃及召出我的兒子來。 何西阿書 11:2 先知越發招呼他們,他們越發走開,向諸巴力獻祭,給雕刻的偶像燒香。 何西阿書 11:6 刀劍必臨到他們的城邑,毀壞門閂,把人吞滅,都因他們隨從自己的計謀。 何西阿書 11:7 我的民偏要背道離開我;眾先知雖然招呼他們歸向至上的主,卻無人尊崇主。 何西阿書 11:9 我必不發猛烈的怒氣,也不再毀滅以法蓮。因我是神,並非世人,是你們中間的聖者;我必不在怒中臨到你們。 何西阿書 11:10 耶和華必如獅子吼叫,子民必跟隨他。他一吼叫,他們就從西方急速而來。 September 5: I Loved You; I Love You Now Hosea 11:1–12:14 “When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son” (Hos 11:1). This line is beautiful if read alone, but it is sad when read in context: “When I called them, they went from my face. They sacrificed to the Baals, and they sacrificed to idols” (Hos 11:2). It’s incredible how quickly we forget God’s mercy and provision. All too soon we return to putting our desires before His. When we put things in front of God’s will—false gods and our own misguided ways (Baals and idols)—we thwart His will not only for our lives, but also for the lives of others. For each of us, God has a tremendous plan that also affects others, for His glory and for the betterment of the world. When we fail to seek His will, we neglect our faith and operate by our own agenda, setting His work aside. Our missteps can have terribly painful consequences: “The sword rages in [my people’s] cities; it consumes [their] false prophets and devours because of their plans. My people are bent on backsliding from me. To the Most High they call, he does not raise them at all” (Hos 11:6–7). We endanger ourselves when we backslide. Sin tears at our very souls. Yet God is loving. Unlike us, He doesn’t act out of vengeance but out of His perfect will: “I will not execute my fierce anger, I will not again destroy Ephraim; because I am God and not a mortal, the Holy One in your midst; and I will not come in wrath. They will go after Yahweh; he roars like a lion. When he roars, his children will come trembling from the sea” (Hos 11:9–10). God’s goodness is not an excuse for our poor behavior; it’s the reason to run back to Him—our great lion. Let’s let Him roar against the darkness that seeks to capture our desires and our hearts. Let’s let Him push back. Let’s call upon Yahweh. What circumstances in your life prompt you to call on Yahweh today? What are you battling against? JOHN D. BARRY Barry, J. D., & Kruyswijk, R. (2012). Connect the Testaments: A Daily Devotional. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 15:08:31 +0000

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