【美國聯邦最高法院200年】 【Hughes Court】 1. - TopicsExpress


【美國聯邦最高法院200年】 【Hughes Court】 1. Hamilton,The Jurist’s Art,31 Colum.L.Rev.(1931) 2. Howard,The Supreme Court and State Action Challenged under the Fourteenth Amendment,1931-1932,81 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1933) 3. White,Constitutional Protection of Liberty of Contract:Does It Still Exist?,83 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1935) 4. tenBroek,Use by the United States Supreme Court of Extrinsic Aids in Constitutional Construction,27 Cal.L.Rev.(1939) 5. Epstein,Toward a Revitalization of the Contract Clause,51 U.Chi.L.Rev.(1984) 6. Hale,The Supreme Court and the Contract Clause:II,57 Harv.L.Rev.(1944) 7. Hale,The Supreme Court and the Contract Clause:III,57 Harv.L.Rev.(1944) 8. Niles,Arizona v. California,10 N.Y.U.L.Q.Rev.(1932) 9. Krattenmaker,Article III and Judicial Independence:Why the New Bankruptcy Courts Are Unconstitutional,70 Geo. L.J.(1981) 10. D.Currie,Bankruptcy Judges and the Independent Judiciary,16 Creighton L.Rev.(1983) 11. Cousens,The Delegation of Federal Legislative Power to Executive Officials,33 Mich.L.Rev.(1935) 12. Berger,The Presidential Monopoly of Foreign Relations,71 Mich.L.Rev,(1972) 13. Kurland,The Impotence of Retience,1968 Duke L.J. 14. Stern,The Commerce Clause and the National Economy,1933-1946,59 Harv.L.Rev.(1946) 15. Black,The National Industrial Recovery Act and the Delegation of Legislative Power to the President,19 Cornell L.Q.(1934) 16. Currie,The Distribution of Powers after Bowsher,1986 Sup.Ct.Rev. 17. Miller,Independent Agencies,1986 Sup.Ct.Rev. 18. Cushman,The Constitutional Status of the Independent Regulatory Commission,24 Cornell L.Q.(1938) 19. Black,The Commerce Clause and the New Deal,20 Cornell L.Q.(1935) 20. Powell,Commerce,Pensions,and Codes,II,49 Harv.L.Rev.(1935) 21. Corwin,The Schechter Case-Landmark,or What?13 N.Y.U.L.Q.Rev.(1936) 22. Stern,That Commerce Which Concerns More States Than One,47 Harv.L.Rev.(1934) 23. Stern,Separability and Separability Clause in the Supreme Court,51 Harv.L.Rev.(1937) 24. Fraenkel,Constitutional Issues in the Supreme Court,1934 Term,84 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1936) 25. Cushman,Social and Economic Control through Federal Taxation,18 Minn.L.Rev.(1934) 26. Barnett,Constitutional Interpretation and Judicial Self-Restraint,39 Mich.L.Rev.(1940) 27. Corwin,The Spending Power of Congress-Apropos the Maternity Act,36 Harv.L.Rev.(1923) 28. Holmes,The Federal Spending Power and State Rights,34 Mich.L.Rev.(1936) 29. Grant,Commerce,Production and the Fiscal Powers of Congress:II,45 Yale L.Rev.(1936) 30. Goebel,Constitutional History and Constitutional Law,38 Colum.L.Rev.(1938) 31. Lofgren,United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corporation:An Historical Reassessment,83 Yale L.Rev.(1973) 32. Levitan,The Foreign Relations Power:An Analysis of Mr. Justice Sutherland’s Theory,55 Yale L.Rev.(1946) 33. Patterson,In Re the United States v. The Curtiss-Wright Corporation,22 Tex.L.Rev.(1944) 34. Lowndes,Spurious Conceptions of the Constitutional Law of Taxation,47 Harv.L.Rev.(1934) 35. Beale,Two Cases on Jurisdiction,48 Harv.L.Rev.(1935) 36. Leflar,Extrastate Enforcement of Penal and Governmental Claims,46 Harv.L.Rev.(1932) 37. Eder,A Forgotten Section of the Fourteenth Amendment,19 Cornell L.Q.(1933) 38. Dickinson,The Gold Decisions,83 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1935) 39. Dawson,The Gold Clause Decisions,33 Mich.L.Rev.(1935) 40. Collier,Gold Contracts and Currency Regulation,23 Cornell L.Q.(1938) 41. Hart,The Gold Clause in United States Bonds,48 Harv.L.Rev.(1935) 42. Howard,The Privileges and Immunities of Federal Citizenship and Colgate v. Harvey,87 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1939) 43. Grant,State Power to Prohibit Interstate Commerce,26 Cal.L.Rev.(1937) 44. Reuschlein,Municipal Debt Readjustment:Present Relief and Future Policy,23 Cornell L.Q.(1938) 45. Leuchtenburg,The Origins of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “ Court-Packing ”Plan,1966 Sup.Ct.Rev. 46. Haines,Judicial Review of Acts of Congress and the Need for Constitutional Reform,45 Yale L.J.(1936) 47. Levison,Limiting Judicial Review by Act of Congress,23 Cal.L.Rev.(1935) 48. McGovney,Reorganization of the Supreme Court,25 Cal.L.Rev.(1937) 49. Fairman,The Retirement of Federal Judges,51 Harv.L.Rev.(1938) 50. Mason,Politics and the Supreme Court:President Roosevelt’s Proposal,85 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1937) 51. Mueller,Business Subject to the National Labor Relations Act,35 Mich.L.Rev.(1937) 52. Fraenkel,Constitutional Issues in the Supreme Court,1937 Tern,87 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1938) 53. Miller,The True Story of Carolene Product,1987 Sup.Ct.Rev. 54. McCloskey,Economic Due Process and the Supreme Court:An Exhumation and Reburial,1962 Sup.Ct.Rev. 55. Hale,The Supreme Court and the Contract Clause:1,57 Harv.L.Rev.(1944) 56. Dowling,Cheatham,and Hale,Mr. Justice Stone and the Constitution,36 Colum.L.Rev.(1936) 57. Lowndes,Taxation and the Supreme Court,1937 Term,87 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1938) 58. Dowling,Interstate Commerce and State Power,27 Va.L.Rev.(1940) 59. Brown,The Open Economy:Justice Frankfurter and the Position of the Judiciary,67 Yale L.J.(1957) 60. Powell,New Light on Gross Receipts Taxes,53 Harv.L.Rev.(1940) 61. Lockhart,State Tax Barriers to Interstate Trade,53 Harv.L.Rev.(1940) 62. Morrison,State Taxation of Interstate Commerce,36 ILL.L.Rev.(1942) 63. Jackson,Full Faith and Credit-The Lawyer’s Clause of the Constitution,45 Colum.L.Rev.(1945) 64. Warren,New Light on the History of the Federal Judiciary Act of 1789,37 Harv.L.Rev.(1924) 65. Friendly,In Praise of Erie-And of the New Federal Common Law,39 N.Y.U.L.Rev.(1964) 66. Ely,The Irrepressible Myth of Erie,87 Harv.L.Rev.(1974) 67. Jay,Origins of Federal Common Law:Part Two,133 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1985) 68. McCormick and Hewins,The Collapse of “ General ”Law in the Federal Courts,33 ILL.L.Rev.(1938) 69. Field,Sources of Law:The Scope of Federal Common Law,99 Harv.L.Rev.(1986) 70. D.Currie,Federalism and the Admiralty:’The Devil’s Own Mess “,1960 Sup.Ct.Rev. 71. Stimson,Swift v. Tyson-What Remain?,24 Cornell L.Q.(1938) 72. Currie,Positive and Negative Constitutional Rights,53 U.Chi.L.Rev.(1986) 73. Easterbrook,Substance and Due Process,1982 Sup.Ct.Rev. 74. Nutting,The Supreme Court,the Fourteenth Amendment and State Criminal Cases,3 U.Chi.L.Rev.(1936) 75. Evan,Primary Elections and the Constitution,32 Mich.L.Rev.(1934) 76. Green,Liberty under the Fourteenth Amendment,27 Wash.U.L.Q.(1942) 77. Henkin,The Supreme Court,1967 Term-Foreward:On Drawing Lines,82 Harv.L.Rev.(1968) 78. Nimmer,The Meaning of Symbolic Speech under the First Amendment,24 UCLA L.Rev.(1973) 79. Alfange,Free Speech and Symbolic Conduct:The Draft-Card Burning Case,1968 Sup.Ct.Rev. 80. Note,The Void-for-Vagueness Doctrine in the Supreme Court:A Mean to an End,109 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1960) 81. Monaghan,Overbreadth,1891 Sup.Ct.Rev. 82. Note,The First Amendment Overbreadth Doctrine,83 Harv.L.Rev.(1970) 83. Pound,Equitable Relief against Defamation and Injuries to Personality,29 Harv.L.Rev.(1961) 84. Mayton,Toward a Theory of First Amendment Process Injunctions of Speech Subsequent Punishment,and the Costs of the Prior Restraint Doctrine,67 Cornell L.Rev.(1982) 85. Redish,The Proper Role of the Prior Restraint Doctrine in First Amendment Theory,70 Va.L.Rev.(1984) 86. Barnett,The Puzzle of Prior Restraint,29 Stan.L.Rev.(1977) 87. Waite,The Debt of Constitutional Law to Jehovah’s Witnesses,28 Minn.L.Rev.(1944) 88. Kalven,The Concept of the Public Forum:Cox v. Louisiana,1965 Sup.Ct.Rev. 89. Baker,Unreasonableness:Mandatory Parade Permits and Time,Place,and Manner Regulation,78 Nw.U.L.Rev.(1983) 90. Stone,Content Regulation and the First Amendment,25 Wm. & Mary L.Rev.(1983) 91. Stone,For a American:Speech in Public Places,1974 Sup.Ct.Rev. 92. Blasi,Prior Restraints on Demonstrations,68 Mich.L.Rev.(1970) 93. Goldberger,A Reconsideration of Cox v. New Hampshire:Can Demonstrators Be Required to Pay the Costs of Using America’s Public Forum?,62 Tex.L.Rev.(1983) 94. Fennell,The “ Reconstructed Court ’and Religious Freedom:The Gobitis Case in Reprospect,19 N.Y.U.L.Q.Rev.(1941) 95. Danzing,How Questions Begot Answers-Few Frankfurter’s First Flag Salute Opinion,1977 Sup.Ct.Rev. 96. Mendelson,Clear and Present Danger From Schenck to Dennis,52 Colum. L.Rev.(1952) 97. Teller,Picketing and Free Speech,56 Harv.L.Rev.(1942) 98. Dodd,Picketing and Free Speech:A Dissent,56 Harv.L.Rev.(1943) 99. Ackerman,Beyond Carolene Products,98 Harv.L.Rev.(1985) 100. Lusky,Footnote Redux:A Carolene Products Reminisence,82 Colum.LRev.(1982) 101. Dellinger,The legitimacy of Constitutional Change:Rethinking Amendment Process,97 Harv.L.Rev.(1983) 102. Freud,Charles Even Hughes as Chief Justice,81 Harv.L.Rev.(1967) 103. McElwain,The Business of the Supreme Court as Conducted by Chief Justice Hughes,63 Harve.l.Rev.(1949) The Constitution in the Supreme Court: the second century,1888-1986 Currie.David.P University of Chicago Press Chicaog and London,1990
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 05:21:19 +0000

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