길지만 자주출제되는 영어기출입니다^^ 1. - TopicsExpress


길지만 자주출제되는 영어기출입니다^^ 1. 당신은 어떤 장점과 단점을 갖고 있다고 생각하십니까? What would you say some of your faults and strong points? 2. 비지니스 클래스 승객이 퍼스트클래스 음식을 요구한다면? What if a customer in business class asks for first-class meal? 3. 팀웍이 무엇이라고 생각하는가? What do you think of teamwork? 4. 금연석에서 담배를 피우면 어떻게 하겠는가? How are you going to handle it if a customer smokes in non-smoking area? 5. 여자 승객이 어린아이와 탑승하면 어떻게 하겠는가? How are you going to handle it if a women is on board with a child? 6. 다른사람이 자신을 비판하는 얘기를 듣는다면? what if you overhear someone criticizing about you? 7. 좌우명이 무엇인가? Whats your philosophy? 8. 서비스와 관련된 일을 한 적 있는가? Have you ever worked in a service sector? 9. 일주일에 방 청소를 몇 번이나 하는가? How many times do you clean your own room? 10. 당신을 하나게 만드는 것은 무엇인가? What makes you angry? 11. 언제 실망을 하는가? 실망한 적 있는가? When did you get disappointed? Have you ever got disappointed? 12. 왜 승무원은 독립심이 있어야 하는가? Why does an attendant should have an independent spirit? 13. 만약 비서라면, 상사를 어떻게 서포트 하겠는가? If you were a secretary, how would you support your boss? 14. 서비스란 무엇인가? How do you define service? 15. 서울에서 추천할 만한 장소는 ? What would you recommend fot sightseeing in Seoul to your customers? 16. 통제할 수 없는 승객이 탑승했을 때, 대처요령은? How would you handle a customer when he or she is uncontrollable? 17. 영어실력이 어느 정도나 되는 것 같은가? How do you rate your mastery of English? 18. 당신이 승객이라면 어떤 서비스를 기대하겠는가? If you were a customer, What kind of service would you expect? 19. 동료승무원이 자기 일을 다 안하고 있다면 어떻게 하겠는가? If your coworkers does not do her share of work, what are you going to do about it? 20. 어떤 승무원이 되고 싶은가? What kind of attendant do you want to be? 21. 2차에 합격하면 3,4 차는 어떤 자세로 임할 것인가? If you pass the second part, how would you handle the third and fourth parts? 22. 같이 일하고 싶은 동료는? 같이 일하기 싫은 동료는? What kind of coworkers do you prefer? What kind of coworkers would you rather not work with? 23. 승객이 처음에는 이것을 갖다 달라하고, 가져다주니 다른 것을 요구한다면? What if a customer demands another, after giving him what he wanted before? 24. 본인은 회사에서 어떤 사람인가? What kind of worker are you in your workplace? 25. 가족소개 Tell me about your family 집에 가는 길에 유니폼입고 있는 상태에서 고객이 전화기 빌려달라고 한다면 You are on your way home while wearing your uniform and a customer asks you to borrow your cellular phone. What would you do? 속이 쓰리다며 아픈 승객, 어떻게 할 것인가? Suddenly a passenger has a stomach, how would you handle the passenger? 무거운 짐을 들어달라는 승객, 어떻게 할 것인가? If a passenger asks you to carry his heavy baggage, what would you do? 임산부가 더 큰 자리를 원할 경우 어떻게 할 것인가? If you have a pregnant passenger who wants to have two seats together but the flight is full. How would you handle it? An obese passenger takes our flight and he continuously complains about the seat. What would you do for him? 손님이 덥다고 하시면 어떻게 하겠어요? If a passenger complains about the temperature on board, what would you do? What if the passenger complains that the temp is too hot/cold? Q 기내에 담요가 다 떨어졌는데 고객이 담요를 원하시면? What if a passenger asks you more blankets but you find out that there are no more blankets, how would you handle it? 승객이 원하는 음료가 없을 때 어떻게 대처하실 건지?.. What if a passenger asks you specific drinks but you don’t have it on board, how would you handle it? 난기류 시 승객이 화장실을 가려고 한다면 어떻게 하시겠냐고 물어봤고 A passenger wants to use the lavatory during turbulence. What are you doing to do? 손님이 승무원들이 치고 다닌다며 화를 내고 있을 때 어떻게 대처하겠느냐? A passenger complains that you hit him while walking through the aisle while pushing the cart. What are you going to? 이코노미 승객이 좌석을 업그레이드 시켜 달라면? If a passenger asks you to upgrade his seat to business class, what would you do? 기내에서 승객이 승무원의 월급이 궁금해서 계속 물어본다면? A passenger keeps asking you about the salary of cabin crew, what are you going to do? 기내 착석 등 이 켜졌는데 짐 내릴라 하면 어떻게 하겠는가? If the seatbelt sign is on and a passenger tries to take his baggage from the head track, what would you do? 기내에서 아이들에게 기념선물을 줄 때 선물이 모자란다는 것을 깨달으면? What would you do if there were no more presents of toys for children? 기내 승객이 생일인 것을 알았다면? What would you do for a passenger whose celebrating his birthday? 임산부가 더 큰 자리를 원 할 경우 어떻게 할 것인가? If you have a pregnant passenger who wants to have two teats together but the flight is full, what would you handle it? 술 취한 승객이 술을 더 요구한다면? If a drunken passenger asks you more whiskey, how would you hand this? 기내에 물이 부족한데 승객이 물을 달라하면 어떻게 하겠는가? If there is a short of water on board, but passengers ask you for more water, what would you do? 1.Tell me about your-self.(자기소개) 2.Could you let me know about your family?(가족소개) 3.Have you ever taken to korean air?(대한항공 비행기를 이용해 본 적이 있는가?) 3-1.How was it?(서비스는 어땠나?) 3-2.Tell me how can they improve their service?(개선점을 말해봐라) 4.What country would you like to visit in the future?(승무원이 되면 어떤 나라를 먼저 가보고 싶은가?) 5.How can you do if a passenger frequently bother you?(승객이 자꾸 귀찮게 한다면 어떻게 하겠는가?) 6.Why do you want to work for us?(지원동기) 6-1.Why do you want to be a flight attendant? 6-2.What is your ambition as a member of our company?(포부) 7.Did you have breakfast? what did you eat?(아침은 먹고 왔나?) 8.What kinds of food do you like?(어떤 음식을 좋아하는가?) 8-1.What foods can you make?(어떤 요리를 할 줄 아나?) 8-2.How do you cook it?(어떻게 요리하나?) 9.Have you ever traveled abroad?(해외여행을 다녀온 적이 있는가?) 9-1.What did you learn from them?(그곳에서 무엇을 배웠나?) 10.How are you feeling today?(오늘 기분 어때요?) 11.Where are you from?(어디 출신인가?) 12.What impressed you most in your school days?(학교생활 중 가장 기억에 남는 일은?) 13.What do you think about cabin crews qualification?(승무원의 자질) 14.(어떠한 승무원이 되고 싶은가?) 15. If foreigner comes up to you and ask about 명동, How can you introduce about 명동? (외국인에게 명동을 소개해 봐라) 16.If you see a passenger is smoking, what should you say?(승객이 담배 피는 것을 보았다. 어떻게 말하겠는가?) 17.(이곳까지 무엇을 타고 왔는가?) 18.Do you live in Daejon? 19.Do you like cook? 20.What kinds of sports do you like? and why?(가장 좋아하는 운동은? 왜?) 21.Did you see the news in the morning?(아침에 뉴스 보았나?) 22.처음 지원했는가? 23.24년을 살면서 가장 중대한 결정을 내린 적에 대해 말해보세요 24.What is the different thing between ke and oz? 25.Where do you live in? 26.What is your major? / What was the most impressive thing in your major?(전공이 무엇인가?/가장 인상적인 것은?) 27.Have you ever taken another airlines? 28.What do you think about lesbian love?(동성애에 대해 어떻게 생각하는가?) 29.What do you think about cohabitation?(동거에 대해 어떻게 생각하는가?) 30.Do you have a boyfriend? 31.How did you study for english? 31-1.What did you do for improving your english proficiency?(영어실력향상을 위해 한 것은?) 32.Tell me about ke or oz uniforms image. 33.What do your parents think of your coming a flight attendant?(승무원에 대한 부모님의 의견은?) 34.여행가본 곳 중에 가장 인상적이었던 곳은? 35.What company do you work for?(지금 하고 있는 일이 있습니까?) 36.What is the real service mind?(서비스 마인드란 무엇인가?) 37.How many do you know about KAL? 38.당신이 지원한 걸 부모님이 아시나요? 39.If you see that a passenger takes away blanket what should you do?(손님이 담요를 가져가는 것을 보았을 때 어떻게 하겠는가?) 40.Do you know SKY PASS? Tell me explain. 41.How can you do if a passenger touch your hips?(손님이 엉덩이를 만진다 어떻게 하겠는가?) 42.Do you like coffee? Have you ever visited in star boucks? 43.Do you have foreign friends? 44.Where do you want to introduce the place to foreigner?(외국인에게 어느 곳을 소개해 주고 싶은가?) 45.Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?(신혼여행은 어디로 가고 싶은가?) 46.How do you keep yourself healthy?(건강관리는 어떻게 하는가?) 47.If a passenger has a cold, what should you do?(손님이 감기에 걸린 것 같다. 어떻게 하겠는가?) 48.Do you prefer to work alone or as the member of a team?(혼자 일하는 것이 좋은가 그룹으로 일하는 것이 좋은가?) 49.Did you have service part-time job? 50.승무원은 장시간 일해야 해서 힘든데 평소 어떻게 대비하는가? 51.손님이 원하는 물건이 없다. 그런데 손님이 꼭 그것을 원한다. 어떻게 하겠는가? 52.Where you involved in any club activities at your university? and if you were, what did you learn from them?(학교생활 말고 과외활동 한 것은? 그곳에서 무엇을 배웠나?) 53.Do you get along well with people?(사람들과 잘 어울리나?) 54.What is the principle of your life?(인생관) 55.What do you think of womans smoking?(여성흡연에 대한 생각) 56.What are you going to do if a child disturb other passengers?(아이가 다른 손님을 괴롭히면 어떻게 하겠는가?) 57.Have you had any part-time job?(아르바이트 경험) 58.If you are employed, how long are you going to work for us?(얼마나 일할 것인가?) 59.Are you conservative or liberal?(당신은 보수주의인가 자유주의 인가?) 60.What would you say about your strong and weak points?(장점과 단점) 61.Do you have any hobbies?(취미) 62.Since when did you want to become a flight attendant?(언제부터 승무원이 되고 싶었나?) 63.Please tell me about love marriage and arranged marriage?(연애결혼과 중매결혼에 대해 말해보세요) 64.What do you do on holiday/weekends?(휴일, 주말에 무엇을 하나?) 65.How can you speak english? 66.Tell me about the names of cocktails as much as you know.(칵테일 이름을 아는 대로 말해보세요.) 67.How many languages can you speak? 68.What kind of activities at college?(학교생활) 69.What are you interested recently?(최근 관심거리) 70.What is your ideal image of a man/woman? 71.What does your father work to do?(아버지 직업) 72.Tell me about your city(사는 동네에 대해 말해보세요) 73.How do you spend your spare time?(여가시간에 무엇을 하나?) 74.Tell me about famous east food.(유명한 서양요리에 대해 말해보세요) 75.Who do you respect without your parents?(부모님 말고 존경하는 분은 누구입니까?) 76.Who do you want to meet among entertainers? and why?(연예인 중에 누구를 만나보고 싶나요? 왜?) 77.How do you live with your neighborhood?(이웃과 어떻게 지내는지 말해보세요) 78.What kind of movies do you like?(어떤 영화를 좋아하나?) 79.여행가고 싶은 곳은? 왜? 80.어떤 휴일을 가장 좋아합니까? 81.5년 전의 자기 모습과 현재 모습을 비교한다면? 82.What did you do last weekend?(지난 주말에 무엇을 했나?) 83.How do you prepare for english interview?(인터뷰 준비는 어떻게 했습니까?) 84.Do you bring up pet?(애완동물을 기르나요?) 85.여생을 다른 나라에서 살아야 한다면 어느 나라에서 살고 싶은가? 그 이유는? 86.본인에게 승무원이 적합한 장점을 가지고 있다면 무엇인가? 87.지금까지 살면서 잊을 수 없는 사람이나 기억에 대해 말해보세요 88.Tell me about your sister or brother.(언니. 오빠에 대해 말해주세요) -아나영어- 1. What can you tell me about yourself? 2. What does your name mean in English? 3. How did you prepare for this test? 4. where do you live now? 5. What part of town do you live in? 6. who did you eat lunch with? 7. What time did you go to sleep last night? 8. What did you do last weekend? 9. Tell us about your last birthday. What did you do? 10. Talk about an experience you had that changed you life? 11. What time do you get up in the morning? 12. What time do you go to bed at night? 13. Is there anything you have to do today? 14. Have you seen any good movies recently? 15. What are you going to do after this test? 16. What are you planning to do after this interview? 17. What are you going to do this weekind? 18. Do you have any plans for this weekind? 19. What are you going to do on our next birthday? 20. When are you going to get married? 21. What is your favorite hobby? 22. where do you like to go on vacation? 23. If you could buy a car, what maker and model would you buy? 24. What sports do you like? 25. Can you swin? Do you go swimming often? 26. How often do you cook a meat for ourself? 27. When you go out for dinner, Where do you usually go? 28. Whats the best thing to drink when youre really thirsty? 29. What do ou think music will be like in the future? 30. If you coulk meet any music star, who would you like to meet? 31. Do you to the movies a lot? 32. How often do you go to a movie by yourself? 33. Where do you buy your clothes? 34. Do you ever shop in department stores? Which one? 35. Is anything in your home made in japan? 36. Do you follow manu fashion and entertainment friends? 37. Would you buy something mew, even if you didnt need it, because it was fashionable? 38. What do you do when you have a cold? 39. Do you ever take Oriental medicine? 40. Are you a student? 41. Where did you go to high school? 42. What was your favorite subject in high school? 43. How did you spend youf free tine when you were in college? 44. Tell about your first day of school. Were you excited? Scared? 45. Are there any handsome men in your club? 46. How long have you studiend English? 47. Why are you studying English?? 48. Do you believe you can master English? 49. Have you ever given a speech in English? 50. What language do you speak in Korea? 51. Where did your family live when you were young? 52. What do you do with your family for entertainment? 53. What kind of people do you like? 54. Why do you want this job? 55. When is the worst time of the day to go somewhere in Seoul? 56. When is the best time to travel in korea? 57. Where whould you like to go on your next vacation? 58. Are the police effective in stopping crime in Seoul? 59. Do you want ti travel abroad? Where? Why? 60. When is the rainy season?
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 15:59:25 +0000

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