- 5W - 07 October 2014 - n.12.07 - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - - TopicsExpress


- 5W - 07 October 2014 - n.12.07 - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - Владимир Владимирович Путин - born in St. Petersburg, October 7, 1952. rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/Siria-Russia-Israele-83ed994f-cb83-4be4-98cc-9f6375b3446f.html?refresh_ce#sthash.AkfL3L1T.dpuf - October 6, 2014 - The Syrian rebels Liberation Army conquered the center of electronic espionage to the border with Israel managed jointly by the Syrian government and the Russian military by the Intelligence (GRU) of the General Staff of the Russian Federation. The so-called Center-S OSNAZ is located in the south of Syria on Mount Tal al-Hara. The rebels have released video and images of the Centre with gigantic parabolic antennae, radar and other equipment remained intact concrete. Although officially the Russian military personnel left the base in 2011 at the outbreak of civil war in Syria remained within the Russian intelligence emblems, orders, and a giant map of the operational situation in the North of Israel. The Israeli media have drawn the conclusion that the Russian military, along with their fellow Syrians, spying on Israel. The conquest of the very important base radio electronic intelligence is the first military success in recent times moderate Syrian opposition. informarexresistere.fr/2014/10/06/israele-annuncia-di-essere-pronto-ad-attaccare-liran-la-siria-ed-il-libano/ - Israel announces it is ready to attack Iran, Syria and Lebanon - raving statements of the Chief of Staff Benny Gants Israel that suggest the next plan of Israels war. The Chief of Staff of Israel, Benny Gantz, has announced that it would launch a military operation in Lebanon similar to that made in Gaza. He also mentioned Egypt, Syria and Iran as enemies of Israel on whose territory the past does not mean implement. The Hezbollah leader (Sayyed Hassan) Nasrallah, he sees that the Israeli society has not fractured and is willing to accept the consequences (Gaza) and were going to do what we did in Lebanon to Gaza, said Gantz to newspaper Yedioth Aharonot, in his first statement since the end of Israels war in Gaza that has developed in August. Gantz said that Hezbollah, according to Israel, is a more serious threat that Gaza. ilmessaggero.it/PRIMOPIANO/ESTERI/isis_turchia_soldati_siria_iraq/notizie/932003.shtml - Syria, two suicide bombings in Homs massacre of children in a school. The Isis seeks to advance towards Kobane - 30 children, most of whom had less than 12 years old, were killed in twin bombings that rocked Homs, the central Syrian city controlled by the government. rainews.it/dl/rainews/media/Isis-si-avvicina-la-Turchia-schiera-i-carri-armati-ee8fafae-7de1-418c-850a-f19cb84f55dc.html - Isis Flag waving at the border, Turkey deploys tanks - Isis The militiamen have hoisted the black flag of the Islamic State of a building in the eastern part of Kobane, the Syrian town on the border with Turkey at the center of a violent struggle for weeks. From the turkish side of the border, meanwhile, at least 14 army tanks in Ankara have taken defensive positions on a hill near Kobane. Below you can hear the sounds of heavy bombardment while on the Syrian city are visible clouds of black smoke (GBRTV / Ebu). lastampa.it/2014/10/05/esteri/kamikaze-in-cecenia-uccisi-poliziotti-YzwmfDR8nXlGq9SIfVlAtK/pagina.html - 05/10/2014 - Back to the specter of Islamist terror even in the turbulent Russian Caucasus. 5 policemen were killed in Chechnya today by a suicide bomber who was captured as he tried to pass through security with the aim of sowing death among the crowd who went to a concert for the festival city of Grozny, the capital of the region . The suicide bomber, showy stopped, blew himself up, killing four policemen, but failed to involve civilians, it writes the Ria Novosti quoted the Russian Interior Ministry. The protagonist of the attack died in the explosion itself, as pointed out by the Russian counter-terrorism. In addition there are at least another 12 policemen injured, three of which were serious, while it is not clear if there was an accomplice in place. According to Russian media, the suicide bomber would be a young Chechen resident of Grozny, who disappeared from home for about two months. He had tried to avoid passing through the metal detector telling you to join the staff of the security of the concert, but officers have not taken the bait. The Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, announced that the victims will be decorated to the memory for having prevented the young man to infiltrate among the public, thus foiling a possible massacre. Chechnya, the scene of two bloody conflicts in the 90s after the military intervention of the Russian federal forces against the guerrillas local Islamic separatist, has returned in recent years to relative normality, under the iron fist of an administration loyal to the Kremlin led by the controversial President Ramzan Kadyrov. It has undergone a phase of reconstruction, thanks to significant investment in Moscow. The Islamic rebels, further radicalizzatisi with time, however, continue to strike, albeit with episodic attacks, having `contagiato other Russian republics of the Caucasus Muslim majority (such as Dagestan or Kabardino-Balkaria) claim where the creation of a self-styled Emirate marked by sharia. The last suicide bombing comparable to todays registered within the territory of Chechnya dated back to 2011 when three suicide bombers blew themselves up simultaneously, resulting in the death of 6 people total. (M.S.C.G.)
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:20:24 +0000

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