- 5W - June 22, 2014 - n.8.22 - Eelt - oas.org/en/default.asp - - TopicsExpress


- 5W - June 22, 2014 - n.8.22 - Eelt - oas.org/en/default.asp - The Organization of American States (OAS often OAS) is an international organization of regional which comprises the 35 independent states of the Americas. The organization is the main political forum for multilateral dialogue and for the solution of political problems. The purpose of the organization is to keep the peace, strengthen democracy and human rights, and improve social and economic conditions of the countries of America. In (1962) a resolution of the eighth meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of Cuba suspended, a member of the organization since 1948, the OAS. In 2009, the OAS has readmitted to Cuba in the organization, while Honduras has suspended due to a coup detat took place in the same year. On 1 June 2011, the organization has finally re-admitted in the assembly Honduras with 32 votes in favor and one vote against by Ecuador. The organization has four official languages, French (Organisation des États américains, OAS), English (Organization of American States, OAS), Portuguese (Organização dos Estados Americanos, OAE), and Spanish (Organización de los Estados Americanos, OEA). The main office is located in Washington, with subsidiary offices in other member countries. Currently there are 68 different countries and foreign organizations that participate in the activities of the Organization of American States as permanent observers. Among these are the European Union and the State of Vatican City. Since 26 May 2005 the Secretary General of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza Has Been. José Miguel Insulza Salinas (born June 2, 1943) is a Chilean politician and statesman. He is currently (since May 26, 2005) the Secretary General of the Organization of American States. He is nicknamed El Panzer, for His tank-like drive and reputation two to His ability to take political heat with little apparent damage. As Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Insulza Has Been Criticized for not taking action against the human rights abuses in The Americas. In 2008 the Human Rights Foundation started the Inter-American Democratic Charter and Mr. Insulza program, Which will inform Insulza every month of the human rights abuses taking place in the Americas. Membership The OAS headquarters is in Washington, D.C.. Antigua and Barbuda (1967) Argentina (1948) Bahamas (1982) Barbados (1967) Belize (1991) Bolivia (1948) Brazil (1948) Canada (1990) Chile (1948) Colombia (1948) Costa Rica (1948) Cuba (1948) - Suspended between 1962-2009. Has chosen not to resume Their participation. Dominica (1979) Ecuador (1948) El Salvador (1948) Grenada (1975) Guatemala (1948) Guyana (1991) Haiti (1948) Honduras (1948) - Suspended between 2009-2011. Jamaica (1969) Mexico (1948) Nicaragua (1948) Panama (1948) Paraguay (1948) Peru (1948) Dominican Republic (1948) Saint Lucia (1979) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1981) Saint Kitts and Nevis (1984) United States (1948) Suriname (1977) Trinidad and Tobago (1967) Uruguay (1948) Venezuela (1948) eso.org/public/ - The current government of Cuba was excluded from participation in the Organization under a decision cushion adopted by the Eighth Meeting of Consultation in Punta del Este, Uruguay, on 31 January 1962. The vote was passed by 14 in favor, with one against (Cuba) and six abstentions (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, and Mexico). The operative part of the resolution reads as follows: 1.That adherence by any member of the Organization of American States to Marxism-Leninism is incompatible with the inter-American system and the alignment of longer available to government with the communist bloc breaks the unity and Solidarity of the continents. 2.That the present Government of Cuba, Which Has officially Identified itself as a Marxist-Leninist government, was incompatible with the principles and objectives of the inter-American system. 3.That this incompatibility excluded the present Government of Cuba from participation in the inter-American system. That suspension was made in the Cold War, in the language of the Cold War. What we have done here is fix a historic error. The suspension was lifted at the end of the General Assembly, but, to be readmitted to the Organization, Cuba will need to comply with all the Treaties signed by the Member States, including the Inter-American Democratic Charter of 2001. A Declaration by Cubas Revolutionary Government dated 8 June 2009 stated That while Cuba welcomed the Assemblys gesture, in light of the Organizations historical record Cuba will not return to the OAS. - Following the expulsion of President Manuel Zelaya, Honduras membership of the Organization was suspended unanimously at midnight on 5 July 2009. The de facto government had announced securities Already it was leaving the OAS hours earlier; this was not, However, taken into account by the OAS, Which does not Recognize That government as legitimate] An extraordinary meeting Had Been Conducted by the OAS in Washington, DC, with Zelaya in attendance. The suspension of Honduras was approved unanimously with 33 votes (Honduras did not vote). This was the first suspension the carried out by the OAS since That of Cuba in 1962. After Zelayas return to Honduras in 2011, the country was re-ADMITTED to the Organization on 1 June 2011 with 32 votes in favor and 1 (Ecuador) against. Venezuela Expressed some reservations. As of January 31, 2014, there are 68 permanent observer countries, as well as the European Union. rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/Cile-b390db06-2cf5-4a15-beab-b7a01332110a.html?refresh_ce - Removed a million tons of rock - Chile, detonated the top of a mountain. It will be built the largest telescope in the world - Skip to air the summit of Cerro Armazones in the north of the country. Here will be built the largest infrared lens ever existed, part of the European Large Telescope (Eelt), the project of the European Observatory Astral. It will have a primary mirror 42 meters in diameter and allow to study the observable limits of the universe, far beyond those of the solar system - A huge explosion on the summit of Cerro Armazones in northern Chile A million tons of rock removed to allow construction of the largest infrared lens, part of the European Extremely Large Telescope (Eelt), with a primary mirror 42 meters in diameter. It will be built here the largest telescope in the world, which will allow an exploration of the astronomical unprecedented. The explosion, at a height of about 3000 meters, has been retransmitted the European Southern Observatory (OAS), international astronomical organization which includes fifteen countries. OAS is responsible Eelt of the ambitious project, which should be operational in about ten years. The Observatory has chosen the north of Chile because of the unique features that gives the area of the Atacama Desert, with a perfectly clear sky during most of the year and scarce presence of moisture in the air and urban lighting in the surrounding area. According to astronomers, the project Eelt allow you to collect a lot of pictures even sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope, orbiting at a distance of about 560 km from the earths surface. Allow to study the observable limits of the universe, beyond those of the solar system. eso.org/public/teles-instr/vlt/ - The Antofagasta Region is the heart of the mining industry, Chiles main source of export revenue. It Represents 53% of Chiles mining output, led by copper and Followed by potassium nitrate, gold, iodine, and lithium. The mining industry accounts for 93.7% of the regions exports. eso.org/public/news/eso1018/ - The average rainfall in the Antofagasta is just 1 millimeter (0.04) per year. From the coast, east to the Chilean Coast Range, is the south-central part of the Atacama Desert, the driest desert in the world. Further to the east, it is part of the less arid Central Andean dry puna ecoregion. The surroundings of abandoned Yungay town not have been named the driest place in the world. gochile.cl/parques-nacionales/parques/parque-nacional-fray-jorge.html - Make war on the natural conformation of the planet seems to be the primary human need of this century. However it is not correct to destroy the tops of the mountains, deserts and does not seem to have deserts, and hides unimaginable resources. It is with explosions that will resolve the problems and difficulties common humanity. What is observed beyond the solar system? Who will take away from hunger and thirst on this tormented planet that observation? How much energy is wasted in the void deep space? How can you watch the elusive mind, people are struggling to survive? As usual no reply, only news systems light years away, as well as an unlikely human existence on this earth. The problems to be solved where they are, here and beyond the light of the sun. (M.S.C.G.)
Posted on: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 04:20:00 +0000

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