--Lori Wallach Boxer Below is but an excerpt of a transcript of - TopicsExpress


--Lori Wallach Boxer Below is but an excerpt of a transcript of Rush Limbaugh’s radio program, Monday, 11/11/13. (Full transcript: rushlimbaugh/daily/2013/11/11/obama_s_fraud_was_bigger_than_madoff_s) “It is arguable now who committed the greater fraud, Bernie Madoff or Barack Obama. Madoff defrauded a few. This is defrauding the entire country. The president of the United States lied to the entire country on the most important thing to people, their health care and their current plan, and remember, now, I want to try this one more time. His number one selling point that he repeated over and over again for three solid years was: You like your plan, you keep it. Theres an obvious question that derives from that. Well, then why change anything? “If everybody can keep their plan or keep their doctor if they like it, then what the hell is wrong with health care? If thats what it took to get your vote, if thats what it took to get your support for Obama -- you like your plan, you keep it -- then what was wrong? Why do we need Obamacare? Well, theres 30 million uninsured. Oh. How are we gonna insure em? It turns out theyre not even gonna be insured after all of this. But this lie, you like your doctor, you can keep it, the premium comes down $2,500, you like your policy, you keep that, thats why this lie is so bad. Its because he lied about the most important fundamental truth of Obamacare, which is you cant keep your plan, you cant keep your doctor, by definition. “They arent going to exist under Obamacare. And he knew it, and his Regime knew it and its in the Federal Register. They knew that 93 million Americans were gonna lose their policies, their current plans that they like. Obama, in 2010 -- Ive got the sound bite here -- even admitted to people that whats happening now was gonna happen. He even admitted that people right off the bat were gonna lose their insurance. He even admitted it. But thats just a tip of the iceberg. Theres nobody that gets to keep their plan. You dont have Obamacare if you have that. You are mandated to have Obamacare. Obamacare is not your current plan, by definition. And that illustrates the scope of that lie and why it is out and out fraud. “This is not just a political promise of promising to cut your taxes and then figuring out we dont have the money for it. This is over the top, purposeful, willful fraud, because he knew that his legislative plan, his health care reform plan could not work if everybody kept what they had and didnt change anything. If theres no reason to change, then why are we doing Obamacare? Now more and more doctors are dropping out of this and refusing to play ball. It is an absolute nightmare. But, again, all of that plays right into the ultimate objective: government running everything. “Such a big mess is being created now. You cant go to your old doctor. You cant go to your old insurance company. Theyre not offering anything anymore. Youve got one place to go now: Obama, Democrat Party, government, they are your savior. Thats the plan, thats the design, to have you begging them for insurance, not the picture of them forcing it on you.” Fraud: deceit, trickery, breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage; any deception or trickery; a person who makes deceitful pretenses; sham; poseur. Treason: a violation of allegiance to ones state; the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery. The Obamatollah is guilty ... of both. _______________________________
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 23:30:19 +0000

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