"As the article explains, there are two serious ways that humans - TopicsExpress


"As the article explains, there are two serious ways that humans can be affected by animal cruelty. Firstly, it’s been proven that there’s a link between animal abuse and physical abuse of other humans in the same household: in one study of shelters for victims of domestic violence and child abuse, more than 85 percent of those interviewed reported incidents of animal abuse. Nowadays, whenever veterinary surgeons see cases of “non-accidental injury” in pets, they know that there’s a serious risk that humans in the same household could be at risk of similar injuries. In some parts of the world, vets are legally obliged to report such incidents to social services authorities. The second way that animal cruelty has serious consequences for humans is a phenomenon known as the “erosion of empathy”. It’s been known for some time that most serial killers start their murderous careers by killing animals: Jeffrey Dahmer impaled the heads of cats and dogs on sticks. The self-named Crossbow Cannibal from Bradford was reported to keep large lizards which he fed on live rodents. Cruelty to animals is the first step; once this moral hurdle has been stepped over, it’s much easier to be cruel to humans. It follows that if animal cruelty can be prevented, or stopped at an early stage, assault and murder of humans will also be prevented." blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/peterwedderburn/100043593/why-we-should-all-worry-about-cruelty-to-animals/
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 08:59:47 +0000

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