:D TOP 10 BOOKS THAT HAVE INFLUENCED MY LIFE :D A little late - TopicsExpress


:D TOP 10 BOOKS THAT HAVE INFLUENCED MY LIFE :D A little late response! Thanky you Lidia for the nomination! Here Goes : 1. As a man thinketh - James Allen 2. Think and grow rich - Napoleon Hill 3. The 4 Hour Workweek - Tim Ferriss 4. Slight Edge - Jeff Olsen 5. The secrets of a millionaire minde - T. Harv Eker 6. Human Anatomy - Frank Netters Atlas of Human Anatomy 7. Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell 8. The 5 Love languages - Gary Chapman 9. The Big Leap - Gay Hendricks 10. Go for No! - Fenton Waltz BONUS: 11. This is actually an Audio book i re-hear several+++ times the last 3 years: Personal Power - Anthony Robbins (Do this one - Really!) That has blown my mindset and taken my life and standards to another level. I wish for you the same. I Nominate Paulina Alexandra Obando, Rebekka Sophie and Radek Ruciński to share what authors and books that has changed your lives.! im looking forward to see what have altered you life to the better :D Have a fantastic day my friends!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 09:27:21 +0000

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