-Her Knight in a Rusted Silver Helmet- He flew through the air - TopicsExpress


-Her Knight in a Rusted Silver Helmet- He flew through the air after jumping from a small tree in his grandparent’s backyard during a hot and humid summer in North Sutton, New Hampshire. Peter, a dark haired brown eyed 7 year old, was running around playing in his own little world. Bright red cape blowing in the soft wind and a silver bucket on his head as a helmet. A mask made out of felt and ribbon was over his face “hiding his identity”. Bear, the family dog ran around with Peter, going on the adventures with him. Being a super hero one moment and a knight the next. Peter could run around the yard for hours until his mother told him to come in for food. “Pete, it’s almost time to leave. Can you bring Bear in for me?” Peter’s mother called out from the backdoor. “Do I have to come?” Peter said in protest. “Yes you do.” His mother smiled at the young boy. “Okay.” Peter looked for Bear, finding him barking at a squirrel that climbed the tree. “Come on Bear!” He pulled on the collar of the dog to lead him inside the house. “Are you ready sweetheart?” “Yes mom!” “Well why don’t you get in the car and I’ll go get my purse and keys Hun.” “Okie dokie.” Peter smiled He ran out the door and into his car seat. His mother closed and locked the door and then walked to the car and got in. By the time she started the car, Peter was back in his imagination. Slaying dragons and saving the world. Tall castles zooming past in the car windows. Fair maidens and knights walking to their daily activities. As the car stopped, Peter jumped out and raced toward the little local grocery store with his mother by his side. The sliding doors parted and opened a whole city and castle in the eyes of the 7 year old. People from the market within the castle walls bustling around with wheeled carts carrying food and other goods. “Would you help me find the things I need, Sir Peter?” Peter’s mother asked looking down at him. “Of course ma’am. What may I help you find?” Peter said looking around. “Well first, I need 4 apples.” “Mom, you have to give me a task first and then I can get what you need.” He whispered into his mom’s ear. “Ohh, I’m very sorry.” She looked around at the very busy store. “Before you get the apples, you’re going to have to jump over those boulders and move them to the side so I may get my cart through.” She said eyeing a pair of ‘wet floor’ signs that had fallen over. “Right away!” Peter ran towards the ‘boulders’ and jumped over them, easily landing on his feet, quickly turning around and picking up the two signs and setting them up right to the side. He then ran to the apples as his mother caught up with him and helped him pick out the best apples. “What else may I help with?” He smiled “Hmm…I’m going to need you to find the orange juice for me, but be careful, who knows what dangers lay ahead.” She winked at her son. Peter ran to the cold drink section of the ‘market’, dodging carts left and right, being sure not to run into any commoners. He made it to the orange juice and grabbed the one he’d seen in the fridge at home countless times. Running back to his mom, he quickly dodged the carts once again. Meeting her by the frozen pizzas, he struggled to put the heavy carton of juice in the cart, winning the battle after a few short moments of grunting. Peter looked back at his mother as she threw a frozen pizza into the cart next to the new carton of orange juice and the bag of apples. “Your last task is to fight off the ice cream dragon and to pick out any ice cream you choose.” She said as she looked over to the ice cream section. “You got it!” He smile big and started his final adventure toward the ice cream dragon. As he made his way down the castle’s corridor with his sword in hand, ready to fight for his ice cream. As he came into the room he saw the huge dragon protecting the precious orange cream popsicles. Peter stood in front of the dragon with his sword ready to strike. The dragon blew fire toward Peter telling him to stay away from the ice cream, or else. Peter wasn’t afraid though. He took his sword and slayed the ice cream dragon. He hit him several times and eventually the dragon flew away and gave up the fight for Peter’s ice cream. “Mom! I did it! I slayed the dragon and got my ice cream!” Peter jumped up and down excited about what he’d done. “That’s fantastic honey!” She smiled “Now I think I have everything. Let’s go check out.” After everything was paid for and they put all the groceries in the trunk of the car, Peter’s mom hopped in the driver’s seat. Peter buckled himself in his car seat and she handed him an orange cream popsicle. He licked and nibbled on it on the way home. When he’d finished his ice cream, he started to drift off to sleep. His mom looked back in the rearview mirror, smiling and softly, she said, “My knight in a silver rusted helmet.”
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 13:50:44 +0000

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