◄MERCS► .Simpatico. was just iced by sidster , which brings - TopicsExpress


◄MERCS► .Simpatico. was just iced by sidster , which brings the body count to 712,933 rivals. sidster just brought the body count to 712,932 by icing [gyak] Ward Hoover. ◆╣ֆ╠◆ Mis.X. was just iced by sidster , which brings the body count to 712,931 rivals. ◆╣ֆ♍╠◆ Pockface1 was just iced by sidster , who has whacked a total of 712,930 rivals. In/Out [ceo] mini-flo Marko Stropoja was just iced by sidster , who has whacked a total of 712,928 rivals. Sn1 Small Things was just iced by sidster , which brings the body count to 712,926 rivals. TWMA zju was just iced by sidster , who has whacked a total of 712,847 rivals. sidster just brought the body count to 712,845 by icing TTB Fighting Falcon. ∻ÅÐ∻ Il Capo Don the Don was just iced by sidster , which brings the body count to 712,844 rivals. {ETA} {ETA} Scorpio was just iced by sidster , which brings the body count to 712,842 rivals. sidster just brought the body count to 712,841 by icing {BBH} Num Num. BIM scarface mole was just iced by sidster , which brings the body count to 712,761 rivals. Enigma smallkiler was just iced by sidster , which brings the body count to 712,760 rivals. Lucid Jon Roberts was just iced by sidster , which brings the body count to 712,758 rivals. sidster just brought the body count to 712,757 by icing TBB Inked ♥ Love.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:18:52 +0000

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