***** Recent crime trend ***** Over the past few evenings - TopicsExpress


***** Recent crime trend ***** Over the past few evenings the rural area has been subjected to a number of thefts from insecure motor vehicles, thieves are trying door handles and when a vehicle has been left unlocked they are searching the vehicle for anything of any value from loose change to golf clubs in the boot. Please remember that even though we live in an area which has lower than the national average crime we can all do things to reduce the chance of becoming a victim. Top five vehicle crime prevention tips to help you protect your property: • It might sound obvious, but make sure you lock the doors and shut the windows and sunroof whenever you leave your vehicle unattended. • Remove your Sat Nav and its holder, and wipe away any suction marks as these could suggest to a potential thief that a Sat Nav is stored in your vehicle. • Never leave any valuables in your vehicle - not even in the glove-box or boot - and keep ALL other possessions out of sight. Even if you know that there is nothing valuable in your coat pocket or bag left on the back seat, a thief may try their luck. • Use an approved steering lock or gear clamp, and remember to set your immobiliser and alarm if you have them. • Register your stereo, laptop, Sat Nav and any other property on the free online property database immobilise. It only takes a few minutes and could help police trace your property if it’s lost or stolen. Follow these tips and help bite back at car crime! Want more? Here is some further detailed advice: PARKING • Look out for car parks with a Secured Car Park sign which have recognised levels of security. If you have a garage at home, make sure you use it and lock it properly. • If you keep your car on the drive, you could consider having a dusk-til-dawn security light fitted at the front of your house - thieves dont like to be illuminated. • Noisy gravel on your drive can help deter a would-be thief, as they dont want to alert you to their approach. • Always take the keys out of the ignition even if you’re just stopping to buy a newspaper or popping back into your home to get something. PROPERTY SECURITY • Remove your stereo if you can, or if you have a removable front fascia take it with you - never leave it in the glove box or boot as an opportunist thief may try their luck anyway. • Never leave vehicle documents in your car - don’t make it easy for a thief to sell your car or provide a cover story if stopped by the police. • Consider buying locking screws kits to secure numbers plates which are targeted by criminals • If you have a diesel van or other high clearance vehicles having your catalytic converter marked, or secured can deter thieves who steal them for the precious metal components. If you have any information regarding these recent thefts please contact Wiltshire Police on the non-emergency 101. Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Thanks Andy
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 09:47:15 +0000

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