~ 01/16/2014 ~ - TopicsExpress


~ 01/16/2014 ~ Good Day Friends and Saints..... I know there are a great deal of people to include my close friends that wont acknowledge my page for the posts that I write, but in all reality, it is you that will have to answer for your ignorance of Gods Word. Yes, You can even hate the messenger, but dont hate the message. You have been indoctrinated for so many years in how you should worship that anything else is outside of your comfort zone. Everyone experiences difficulty in life. During painful times, we may feel as though God is not blessing us. But even then, we are experiencing many of His amazing gifts, despite the fact that they might be escaping our notice. INCRIMINATING HONESTY...... A study of the Bible , on almost all teaching generally accepted by the churches of the world, professing Christianity, reveals that they have almost no biblical basis whatsoever. This statement is shocking, yet it is true ! But here is an irony: When confronted with the truth of what the Bible really says on a matter, most churchgoers will attempt to deny the facts, however indisputable. They will twist, distort and blur the issues in order to hold to cherished beliefs, preferring what is familiar to what is RIGHT, and TRUE ! The Sabbath question is somewhat different. Though , in the end, most people are unwilling to observe it, many ministers, theologians and religionists openly acknowledge what the Bible says about the Sabbath. And even when they are pressed, they admit Gods Word authorizes observing the seventh day. In fact, you will be stunned at their frankness and honesty! ROMAN CATHOLIC ADMISSION.... Catholic publications, popes, cardinals, bishops, theologians, historians, professors, and the Vatican itself ,have candidly admitted there is no biblical basis, whatsoever ! for Sunday observance. You will be astonished at the extraordinary candor with which Catholic leaders address this subject. It is critically important to take the time to read what those who keep Sunday say about their authority , or lack of authority for doing this. Using their own words, we must first establish why 1.2 billion Roman Catholics believe they are no longer obligated to observe the seventh-day Sabbath. They tell the whole world openly ! The Bible plainly states that Jesus Christ is the HEAD of the CHURCH (Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18). Rome, supposing that Christ, in effect, delegated away His authority over the Church to the apostle Peter, who they proclaim was the first pope, speaks plainly of how it used this authority. Just as Gods statements about the Sabbath were shocking to me, the following statements should be shocking to you ! For example, nowhere in the Bible do we find that Christ or the Apostle ordered that the Sabbath be changed from Saturday to Sunday. We have the commandment of God given to Moses to keep holy the Sabbath day, that is the 7th day of the week, Saturday. Today most Christians keep Sunday because it has been revealed to us by the [Roman Catholic] church outside the Bible. From this same Catholic Church you have accepted your Sunday, and that Sunday, as the Lords Day, she has handed down as a tradition; and the entire Protestant world has accepted it as tradition, for you have not an iota of Scripture to establish it. Therefore that which you [Protestants] have accepted as your rule of faith, inadequate as it of course is, as well as your Sunday, you have accepted on the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. There is but one [church] on the face of the earth which has the power or claims power, to make laws binding on the conscience, binding before God, binding under penalty of hell-fire. For instance, the institution of Sunday. What right has any other church to keep this day ? You answer by virtue of the third commandment [the Papacy renamed the fourth commandment, calling it the third], which says , Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day. But Sunday is not the Sabbath. Any schoolboy knows that Sunday is the first day of the week. It was the Catholic Church that changed the day of rest from Saturday , the seventh day, to Sunday, the first day of the week. Is Saturday the seventh day according to the Bible and the TEN COMMANDMENTS ? I answer yes. Is Sunday the first day of the week and did the Church change the seventh day, Saturday, for Sunday, the first day ? I answer yes. Did Christ change the day ? I answer no ! You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday, a day which we never sanctify. The apostle Paul , under inspiration by God, speaking of just the Old Testament books, which were available to him, he wrote this: And that from a child you have known the holy scrpitures, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God...... ( 1 Tim. 3:15-16). For those of you that will read this , it is my sincere prayer that in doing so it will at least give you some talking points with your friends or even questions you can bring before your pastor and your church. Thank you very much. Amen ~ Pastor Bryant ~
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 20:04:02 +0000

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