1. ALLEGATION THAT RAILA’S PLANS FOR MASS CHAOS IN KENYA. It is alleged that CORD has planned mass protests to commence In Kenya after the proposed Saba Saba Rally scheduled for Monday the 7th of July. It is alleged that the purpose of the mass demonstrations is to facilitate the removal from power of the “Jubilee Alliance“ by creating anarchy, sabotage of the economy and mass disobedience of law. 2. What other Countries have been manipulated into mass chaos and destruction in the name of democracy? 2.1 Check the Autumn of nations in 1989 – that begun in Poland and continued in Hungary, East Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Romania. 2.2 Check the Arab Spring- of December 2013 that resulted in − Rulers of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen forced from power − Civil uprisings in Bahrain and Syria and − Major protests in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait and Morocco. 3.What are the lessons of experience for the people of Kenya? Unfortunately while some of these protests have successfully toppled the regimes in power a number have put in more repressive ones to replace them. Many have provided the framework or enabling environment for anarchy, chaos, civil wars and the illegitimate seizure of power. Rarely, do countries settle back to peace and democracy after the mass protests. Will Kenyan’s learn from the experience of others or will they ruin their own Country?
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 18:07:31 +0000

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