1: Almost twenty years ago a British spy named Humphrey (HUMFRAY) - TopicsExpress


1: Almost twenty years ago a British spy named Humphrey (HUMFRAY) book was (THE MEMORIES OF HUMFRAY) the” Humphrey (HUMFRAY)’s yadastyn read. Humphrey in the book (HUMFRAY) writes that ‘No child in the UK at the Islamic University of Damascus admitted under a mission. papad roll out the UK Government to do what they have is a different story. Islamic teachings in my mission, memorize the Quran, Juridical Scienceswas to be given during the teaching of a sudden I got worried., my teacher and my nine youth are attracted to the color white, which I guess was altfat eyes. they teach as compensation, whether it’s to get my physical krbt was. problem I informed the UK., I am very sorry to say that the UK Government to get rid of this problem instead of a spirit of national service I ordered this kind of sacrifice that whatever the thhyn Instead of trying to sacrifice time that I got my admission to the University of Baghdad. Baghdad University and continued my teaching in the University being one of the selected students. Abdul aluhab Meanwhile, I met a student who was my Room Mate thayh shz also very intelligent and legitimate issue had problems with a qualification. Later it was known shz Mr. Sheikh Abdul njdy the right. Baghdad University to complete my education was that the three students to the UK asks for the name of the UK in the future be able to complete the mission. according to my knowledge and experience that the government sent three names. including Sheikh Abdul Wahab on the Czar’s recommended that the UK Government’s target mission shz the to invent new ahtrajat Islamic Shariah. Islamic countries to bring together so smoothly fitnah could completed. lhzh my recommendations based on the British government to Sheikh Abdul Wahab of Najd made ruler in the entire Hijaz What caused fitnah ‘ 2: The Nawab Syed Ahmed Khan chtary my second example (1940) is the yadastyn. Nawab Sahib was Governor of Uttar Pradesh in the 1940s. Important position in British government had granted the Muslim League and the Congress sast remain indifferent to the loyalty of the British was miserable. yadastun in his official duties, he has said that once he was called to London. their British friend of a man who had kulklrrh Nawab Sahib in Hindu Waziristan said ‘come Hey kruan Visit a place you see anyone who was not here ‘ Nawab Sahib will be happy. Kulklr British passport from the Nawab Sahib asked for permission from the government to see that the place is taken. Kulklrajazt Bowl two days later and said, ‘We have brought together will go tomorrow morning but my motor in not allow the motor to move the ‘Nawab Sahib and the next morning proceeded towards the English goal. town forest has started out on the left. forest was a thin road.’ll go as long as the forest is counted was. both sides of the road no traffic and no infantry. Nawab Sahib was surprised to see sitting around. motor was walking past a little longer than half an hour later saw a huge front gate. away aaurhkm seen the same drop your bike and park it on the military. Nawab Sahib was given by the British Motor kulklran sit in and watch those skinny Continue on the road were go. stipate the forest and the both The walls of wild trees. Nawab Sahib began to worry. Englishman said, ‘That is the goal of building a large red stone visible when the British stopped the car and said there may be more than just walking. Note that the Nawab Sahib told ‘You only have to see something to say exactly this question is not allowed.’ wide hallway of the building was started. room behind it was matdd. hallway intoit? Nawab Sahib will be amazed!As teachers are teaching in Islamic schools teach. Arabic and sometimes English teacher asked the students do. Nawab Sahib saw that the Quran is taught in the same room. much is being taught recitation. much of the commentary Teaching is being taught anywhere Bukhari Sharif. somewhere Muslim Sharif. mnazrh a room is between Muslims and Christians. jurisprudential matters is getting a room.’s largest Koran in the room translate in different languages are being taught. Nawab Sahib tiny tiny noted that the problem is the issue everywhere., Such as washing method, ablution, fasting, prayer and prostration of forgetfulness issues, inheritance and breastfeeding jhgry, clothing and appearance of beard, would be to read the verses , bathroom etiquette, to go out of the house, with pain, slave slave problems, Hajj rituals, goat and how do dnbh, stick, how are you? KW is permissible or forbidden? He turned and judge discussed the prayers, a day of Eid and Hajj how do you decide? Paki woman censure of impurity, the physical presence of the Mirage was spiritual? Not be read behind Imam al-Fatiha? Tarawieh of 8 or 20 rak’ahs? The man who breaks ablution during prayer? Single interest is allowed or not allowed? Problems retreat, tjuyd, ie use the fast break to join, a woman wearing a burqa or cover wear? If siblings sister sit on a camel or a brother? ‘Who should benefit from the content? Arabic and English teacher asked each first grade now and finally, I tell very ssth Urdu magic, evil eye, tauyz gnd, asyb is right or not in the shade? This group of 35 to 40 students a sound background in the English language ‘TRUE’ ‘TRUE’ then replied in Arabic ‘right’, ‘strong’, ie to the right to the truth in Urdu! Then a student stood up and asked, ‘If every teacher must seek to worship dead people, how can he change? So says the Koran is responsible for their actions, teacher shz said ‘Do not talk of the’ Do traditions found in the problem. Witchcraft, evil eye, tauyz, apple scholarships and in reciting the Muslim faith Istikhaarah cooked two and the stars, destiny and fate in the hands of the lines. Seeing all this back when we asked Nawab chtary the angryzkulklrsy such a great madrassa ‘Why are you hiding? Englishman said, ‘All in all not a Muslim, Christian. Studies to Muslim countries they usta hsusa East, Turkey, Iran and Hindu places (sub 1940) is sent. Was there a large nmazmyn come worshipers at the mosque say they are European Muslims as they alazhr Revenue rsty comprehensive education in Egypt and the whole world are found. There are many Islamic organizations in Europe that they do not want education to be able to pay the srdsr just need food clothing shelter space. Then muezzin, presented a Mom Quran for Children’s Services offer teacher. Educational institutions are set then the instructor. Give the Friday sermons. Nawab sa Hub British host that surprised him saying that the main target of this great school. (1) Muslims uzyfun traditions and philosophy of the problems involved in doing the will of Allah. (2) hzurakrm status which will reduce possible way. Ever khhu rajal captivate you (nauz Billaahi) hit the magic was never that good in terms of Did you marry the girl and said it was visited every night eleven wives. He also said the British in 1920, the company filed with Rajpal rngylarsul book was titled. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and his money several years ago by the Prophet Muhammad and his erection was the same company books Based in London, was crafted from the same building (reference Urdu Digest November 1992, Lahore) Oh lest Western society put my mortgage Temptation is prurnzam respected Muslim scholar keep himself Ikram Reader from the above two examples that you’re yqynaandazh uhabyt world mslq of a firearm in Egypt but in the form of a poison in our ranks to srayt Villa is a menace. Jabba we see that fair-skinned preachers cover If this type of schools not qualified to say who is auprzkr. their knowledge and give a small example as perhaps the smjnhy Wahhabism more easier. Wahhabism bunch of flowers on the graves and shrines strictly is prohibited. orders that prohibited them unable to understand what had I one day I read a hadith of the Holy Prophet, the Companions of the Prophet’s meaning was that the party was undergoing a grave off a grave, By the close up of a tree branch break at the grave placed on asfsar companions said that the punishment was grave sir. branch fresh leaves are engaged in the zkralhy until it lhzhBut we do not realize this. leaves as well as flowers stay fresh longer, which means the grave of work is to protect the tomb of doom. This process requires that all large countries with beautiful flowers and a wreath will be made think that the vase is not included in the form of a hook Wahhabism. Mktbaء scholars worry about all the imams in the current period and tahryn considered one of the traditions that need
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 11:35:59 +0000

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