1 Corinthians 9-12 provides instructions to an ancient church that - TopicsExpress


1 Corinthians 9-12 provides instructions to an ancient church that are still valuable to the modern church. Cpt. 9 presents the example of a dedicated servant leader. Paul describes the rights he had foregone for the sake of the gospel and how he did not abuse his authority in the gospel (9:1-18). He willingly became a servant to all (19-23) and practiced self-discipline lest while he had preached to others he should become disqualified (9:24-27). Chapter 10 moves to warning the Corinthians to avoid the sins of the ancient Israel and falling under God’s judgment as they did, citing their judgment as an example to warn us (10:1-13). 10:13 contains a great promise for Christians when we are tempted. It teaches us that our temptations are common to mankind so we are not the only one wrestling with the issue that plagues us. This verse reminds us that God is faithful and will make a way of escape from the temptation. Finally the verse promises that we will not be forced to fall to the temptation we battle, but will be able to bear it. We do not have to fall or fail. Every Christian should memorize this verse. Paul continues to remind the Corinthians to do all things to the glory of God and seek the benefit of others instead of their interests (10:32). Paul issues a strong condemnation to the Corinthians for their abuse of worship at the Lord’s Supper reminding them that God had brought judgment on the for this abuse (11:17-34). Worship is not a frivolous matter. He then moves on to present a beautiful picture of the church as a whole and each local church as a body working in together with each member of the body being valuable and needed by all the other members (12:1-30). In a healthy church there is unity in diversity and interdependence among the members.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 05:08:26 +0000

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